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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-18 20:21

  本文選題:國際直接投資地位 切入點:資本輸出 出處:《世界經(jīng)濟(jì)研究》2016年02期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:After the financial crisis, China rose rapidly as a new force in the global capital supply, and the status of a big country in foreign investment became increasingly apparent. However, at the same time, the main body of China's international direct investment was made up. The paper points out that the status of a country's international direct investment is the concentrated embodiment of a country's capital export capacity and global capital allocation ability. The paper analyzes the scale of China's net foreign direct investment (FDI). On the basis of the increase in the number of cross-border M & A transactions and the increase in the scope of globalization of overseas investment, emphasis has been placed on the scale and structure of overseas investment. This paper examines the characteristics of imbalance in the rising status of China's international direct investment from four aspects: the main body of investment and the return of investment, and then puts forward four ways to correct the imbalance: perfecting the system of foreign investment, enhancing overseas productivity, and promoting investment. Trade and finance work together to construct a benign interaction mechanism between economic and trade cycle and financial cycle, to plan the global distribution, to strengthen the cluster effect of foreign direct investment and to explore the domestic and foreign capital, to strengthen the cooperation of national capital, and to strengthen the market-oriented management of investment subjects. Cultivate competitive cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win overseas investment ecosystem.
【作者單位】: 上海社會科學(xué)院世界經(jīng)濟(jì)研究所;


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