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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-16 06:06

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: Rose框架 Spring MongoDB 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融 風(fēng)險控制 出處:《北京交通大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more Internet financial companies appear in front of people. However, due to the imperfect credit system of our country, the problem of malicious loan fraud by users and the problem of rolling money running, the essence of financial industry is risk management. The same is true for Internet finance. Suiyi has developed the Internet Financial risk Control system, which is designed to provide a risk-control guarantee for the company's peer-to-peer small and micro lending business and to ensure that funds are lent to eligible lenders. The development of the system is very important to the further development of the company's business. The Internet financial risk control system is composed of several modules. This paper mainly involves external credit data docking, big data backstage management, The allocation of risk control rules and the application of cohesion are the key components of the Internet financial risk control system. Firstly, this paper analyzes the project background and significance of the system, and the current research situation at home and abroad. The main contents and organization structure of the paper are given. Then, the related technologies used in the implementation of the system are introduced. On this basis, the requirements of the system are analyzed, and the functional requirements and non-functional requirements of the system are determined. The use case diagram of each function of the system is obtained. In the part of summary design, the functional structure of each module of the system is listed, and the technical scheme and database design scheme of the system are given. In the part of the detailed design and implementation of the system, the class design of each module is carried out. The flow chart and timing diagram of key functions are given, and the logic of the system and the relation between the methods in the implementation are explained in detail. Finally, in the part of system testing, the functional test and non-functional test of the system are introduced. Part of the test cases are given. The author is involved in the development of this project during the practice of easy loan, mainly responsible for the external credit data docking module, big data backstage management module, The design and development of risk control rules configuration module and application module of aggregation force. The work includes: participating in the requirement analysis of the module, designing the module outline, designing and developing the module function in detail, Including the development of back-end code and the development of front-end pages, and the maintenance of functional modules on the line. At present, Internet financial risk control has been running online, which meets the needs of users for the risk control of Internet financial business. The system not only ensures the company's capital security, but also helps the company to form a set of orderly and effective financial risk control process.


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