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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-15 06:06

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:A股上市公司超額收益影響因素及其特征研究 出處:《華僑大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 超額收益 多因子模型 量化投資 上市公司 影響因素

[Abstract]:In this paper, a multi factor model based on the selection of the company's profitability, growth capacity and the scale of the company's evaluation index as the candidate factors, and these factors are candidates to test the effectiveness, after inspection, company profit factor - the main gross margin, the company's growth factor - net profit growth rate and the growth rate of main business income, the company scale factor - market capitalization is effective factor, indicating that the company's profitability, growth capacity and size have significant influence on the listed company's excess return, through further analysis, the effect of scale factor on the effectiveness of the excess return divided into risk factors and influencing factors of the securities market. The excess return of A shares of listed companies have the profitability of the company, the company's ability to grow, risk factors and non efficiency of the securities market. Then the effective factor (company profit factor and growth factor) were selected to obtain excess returns The listed company, through the comparison and analysis of various types of excess earnings of Companies in the industry distribution, the headquarters of the regional distribution, the nature of the company, reorganization and bargaining chip features, aspects such as summarizes, in terms of the industry characteristics can obtain excess returns of listed companies: good market environment; the government of the industry policy support and endorsement of credit; the company's main business is conducive to the economic cycle through the rigid demand; industry; leading industry segments. The regional distribution characteristics at the headquarters of excess return company is in Beijing City, Shanghai city and Shenzhen city and the highest concentration; high level of centralized administrative region is high; the economic development of the eastern coastal area of good city the high degree of the company. The properties, characteristics of excess return the company is: private enterprises overall excess return rate is higher than the state-owned enterprises; the growth ability of the private enterprises of the excess income Interest rate is the highest. In the reorganization, the characteristics of the company is: excess earnings reorganization can significantly enhance the growth ability of the traditional industries of the company; the restructuring of state-owned enterprises will most strongly. The concentration of chips, the main characteristics of excess return, for the higher concentration of chips, the company returns more. Domestic research on multi the factor model is limited in its effectiveness in the domestic stock market, the program to test the effectiveness of multi factor model in A stock market using the Python language, and further to the effective factor filtered excess returns of firms in the industry, regional characteristics and other aspects of the A are analyzed and summarized. Stock market investors have higher in industry asset allocation and reference value for the local government to attract domestic and foreign enterprise headquarter (to avoid local enterprises to move out, the regulators end) The policy and opinion of the good A stock market system are given.



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