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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-14 14:21

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:新常態(tài)下工行揚(yáng)州分行國際業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營轉(zhuǎn)型研究 出處:《揚(yáng)州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 新常態(tài) 工商銀行 國際業(yè)務(wù) 經(jīng)營轉(zhuǎn)型

[Abstract]:The impact of the economic new normal, with full liberalization of China's banking industry, the whole industry is facing the hitherto unknown opportunities and challenges. The international business of commercial bank has low capital occupation, high return characteristics, is the modern commercial banks acquiring business profits and expand an important means of marketing to abroad, it on the bank to expand the market. Increase revenue plays an irreplaceable important role in the commercial banks of the military is a hotly contested spot. ICBC, one of the world's top five hundred enterprises, to maintain and further strengthen the big boss position, must further expand international operations. In order to meet the development of the new normal requirements, improve profitability, cope with the severe market competition and meet the increasingly diversified customer financial needs, ICBC Yangzhou branch of the international business needs transformation. Facing the new situation, the international commercial bank How to clarify ideas, seize new opportunities and seek new breakthroughs and achieve new development, the need for in-depth thinking, accurate judgement, scientific transformation. This paper focuses on the business transformation of the core problem, find out the existing problems of ICBC Yangzhou branch of the international business exists, explores the reasons of existing problems, through investigation and analysis, combined with the implementation of the conditions of business restructuring, the transformation of the content, namely the concept of transformation, transformation and transformation of marketing management, clarify the implementation plan required four safeguards, namely capital costs, human resources security, internal control security and technical support. This paper combined with the actual analysis of the five forces model, SWOT analysis and other tools to work for the status quo of international business of Yangzhou branch, the competitive environment, the transformation of the conditions of implementation effectively demonstrated, using investigation and analysis of customer demand, put forward the feasibility The transformation plan has strong operability. After implementation, it will greatly enhance the competitiveness of the market. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for ICBC Yangzhou branch to achieve sustained, rapid and healthy development of international business.



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