

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-15 07:40
【摘要】:中國、日本和韓國這三個國家的國際分工狀況和產(chǎn)業(yè)結構變化可以非常形象而準確的表現(xiàn)出東亞地區(qū)目前的一個整體狀況,如果能夠很好的把這三個國家的國際分工狀況和產(chǎn)業(yè)結構變化進行詳細的研究、總結和歸納,并加以借鑒和利用,那將會對整個東亞地區(qū)的產(chǎn)業(yè)結構和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展合作都產(chǎn)生非常深遠的重要意義。中國、韓國和日本在最開始的東亞地區(qū)的雁行模式中都分別處于三個不同的階段層次,三國的優(yōu)劣勢互不相同,產(chǎn)業(yè)結構也不盡相同,三國之間在資源和結構方面的互補性都比較明顯,存在著越來越緊密的經(jīng)貿(mào)合作關系。近年來隨著韓國經(jīng)濟的騰飛,中國經(jīng)濟的迅猛追趕,中日韓三國之間產(chǎn)業(yè)結構的差距呈現(xiàn)出逐漸縮小的趨勢,越來越多行業(yè)和產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展都在逐漸的向日本看齊。所以,三個國家現(xiàn)在在一些資本密集型和技術密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)上也都形成了相互競爭的形勢。本文從對外貿(mào)易的角度,研究了三國之間商品和貿(mào)易結構以及競爭性、互補性和國際分工地位都發(fā)生了哪些變化。文中采用SITC 0-9標準分類,選取了2004年、2006年、2008年、2010年和2012年五個年份進行對比分析,主要用到了四種重要指標進行分析,首先是運用貿(mào)易結合度指數(shù)進行對比,考察中、日、韓三邊貿(mào)易發(fā)展的具體情況,然后通過貿(mào)易競爭指數(shù)判斷三個國家的優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)所在以及各國的優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)是否重合,同時還要考察三個國家之間的貿(mào)易互補性指數(shù),看看三個國家之間貿(mào)易關系的緊密程度。最后在對三個國家分析完了所有的指數(shù)之后,又對三國成立自貿(mào)區(qū)進行貿(mào)易合作這條道路上會遇到的困難進行了剖析,并給出了相應的建議。為什么要選取這四種指標,原因是他們之間有著緊密相連的關系。首先從貿(mào)易結合度這一指標了解三個國家的貿(mào)易方向,在此基礎上通過TCD指數(shù)來看三國貿(mào)易結構比較相似的領域的結合度是什么樣的,然后再進一步的分析三國TCD值大的領域里哪個國家的哪類產(chǎn)品更具有優(yōu)勢,最后利用TCI指數(shù)從另一個角度查看三國結合度高以外的領域里是不是具有互補性,可以進行互補。這樣就比較全面。因為本文主要看中國國際地位的變化,所以主要研究中日和中韓國家之間的貿(mào)易關系及其變化。
[Abstract]:The international division of labor and the changes in the industrial structure of China, Japan and South Korea can very vividly and accurately represent the current overall situation in East Asia. If the international division of labor and the changes in industrial structure of these three countries can be well studied, summarized and summarized, and used for reference, It will be of great significance to the industrial structure and economic development of the whole East Asia. China, South Korea and Japan are all at three different stages in the initial wild goose travel pattern in East Asia. The advantages and disadvantages of the three countries are different, and the industrial structure is also different. The resources and structure of the three countries are obviously complementary, and there are more and more close economic and trade cooperation relations between the three countries. In recent years, with the rapid development of Korean economy and the rapid catch-up of Chinese economy, the gap between the industrial structure of China, Japan and South Korea has gradually narrowed, and more industries and industries are gradually in line with Japan. As a result, all three countries are now competing with each other in capital-intensive and technological-intensive industries. From the perspective of foreign trade, this paper studies the changes of commodity and trade structure, competitiveness, complementarity and international division of labor among the three countries. This paper adopts SITC 0-9 standard classification, selects 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 five years to carry on the comparative analysis, mainly used four important indicators to carry on the analysis, first is carries on the contrast using the trade union degree index. During the inspection, the specific situation of the trilateral trade development between Japan and South Korea is examined, and then the trade competition index is used to determine whether the superior industries of the three countries are located and whether the superior industries of each country coincide. At the same time, the trade complementarity index among the three countries is also examined. Look at the degree of trade ties between the three countries. Finally, after analyzing all the indexes of the three countries, the paper analyzes the difficulties on the road of establishing free trade area and gives the corresponding suggestions. The reason for choosing these four indicators is that they are closely related. First of all, we understand the trade direction of the three countries from the index of the degree of trade integration. On this basis, through the TCD index, we can see what the degree of integration of the three countries is in the areas where the trade structure is relatively similar. Then further analysis of the three countries in the field of TCD value which country which products have more advantages, finally using the TCI index from another perspective to see whether the three countries outside the high degree of integration is complementary, can be complementary. This is more comprehensive. Because this article mainly looks at the change of China's international status, it mainly studies the trade relations and changes between China, Japan and China and South Korea.


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