

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-15 13:07
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern Internet, mobile commerce emerges as the times require in this big trend environment. Various operators and service providers have developed various mobile payment services. As an efficient and easy to use payment tool, it began to appear in a variety of industry models, Its concept of payment conforms to the development of the times and improves the quality of business services. It also improves the level of payment methods. It represents the rise of a new technology. However, the development of the facts runs counter to this new and efficient means of payment. The data collected by famous research companies reveal this embarrassing situation, even though the current mobile payment market is expanding. Service levels in the mobile market are also rising rapidly, but the proportion of customers who actually use mobile payments is the lowest. Current mainstream researchers believe that whether consumers use a certain payment mode is mainly based on perceived risk, which is the key to affect consumers' acceptance and use of mobile payment. A large number of scholars have carried out various studies in this direction. Although researchers have been studying this issue since the middle of the 20th century, the concept of consumer perceived risk is too large and complex, and there are still a lot of problems to be solved in this area that needs to be solved. For example, some measurement problems need further study by scholars. Therefore, this paper carries out a further study on the correlation between the dimensions of perceived risk generated by consumers using mobile payment and the influencing factors affecting their perceived risk, and the data collected by questionnaire. The results are obtained by empirical analysis. In this paper, we study the perception of risk when users use mobile payment, and establish a risk dimension and influence factor model based on the interaction between each influencing factor and each dimension of risk. The theoretical basis of this model is based on the study of consumers' perception of risk and the impact on mobile payment behavior, and then further analysis is carried out. The main contents are as follows: the behavior intention and psychological research of consumer mobile payment. To find out the dimensions of perceived risk and what factors will affect the generation of consumer perceived risk [1], according to the relevant research, put forward the hypothesis, From the perspective of individual units, mobile payment based on consumer risk perception is constructed by using three-dimensional omni-directional means, and the whole model framework is repeatedly detected by using the framework impact model method. After strict analysis, the hypothesis is verified and the conclusion is drawn: consumer cognition negatively affects perceived psychological risk and financial risk, and technical reliability negatively affects perceived financial risk and functional risk. Wireless network factors positively affect perceived financial risk, privacy risk and psychological risk.


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