

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-14 19:27
[Abstract]:In recent years, the trade between China and the United States has become more and more frequent and rapid development, at the same time, the commodity structure of trade between China and the United States is constantly changing. Although the United States is not China's largest trading partner (after the European Union, it is the second largest trading partner), it is China's largest trading partner, that is to say, The trade commodity structure of China and the United States not only reflects the trade situation and connotation of China and the United States, but also has certain representativeness, and even reflects the level of China's own trade structure to a certain extent. The international market competitiveness and the international division of labor are also useful for the adjustment of China's industrial structure and the optimization of China's foreign trade structure. Therefore, the analysis of Sino-US trade commodity structure has attracted the attention of many scholars at home and abroad, but for the study of Sino-US trade commodity structure, most of the previous literature used SITC classification for statistics. The HS classification covers the CCCN and SITC classification coding systems, that is to say, the HS classifies the commodity more finely, and the commodity deviation is relatively small in different countries. Therefore, this paper will adopt HS classification standard to study the change of commodity structure of Sino-American trade. There are five chapters in this paper, which can be divided into three parts: the first part is the introduction of the first chapter, which mainly introduces the background and significance of this paper, and from the relevant theories of international trade, the development of Sino-American trade commodity structure. On the basis of a brief review of the existing domestic and foreign literature, this paper makes a simple comment from three angles: the measurement of the related indexes of the trade structure between China and the United States. The second part includes the second chapter and the third chapter, mainly the data analysis and the index measurement, is the key part of this article. In this part, according to the economic theory, the trade commodities based on HS1992 classification criteria are further classified, that is, they are divided into three categories: resource-intensive, labor-intensive and capital-intensive, and then use the HS classification standard. From the perspective of import and export, the annual data on the commodity structure of trade between China and the United States for the period 1992-2015 are used to quantitatively analyze the changes in the structure of trade commodities between China and the United States, using the degree of trade integration, the Lawrence Index. A comparative analysis of the coupling degree and interdependence of the commodity structure between China and the United States is made. The third part includes the fourth and fifth chapters, through the further analysis to the Sino-US trade commodity structure change and its influence factor, summarizes the full text, obtains the related conclusion that the Sino-US trade commodity structure change actually affects the Sino-US trade relations. And put forward the countermeasure and suggestion from many angles.


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