

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-14 10:05
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the accelerated development of global integration, the world economic pattern has also found a relatively large change, especially in the emerging developing countries which aim at economic transformation. As a representative of the developing countries, the four BRICs' foreign trade has developed very rapidly in recent years. Especially after the financial crisis, the BRICs' growth is still strong, which is an important engine of the world economic recovery. In this paper, the Bric countries are selected as an example. Their foreign trade surplus has been expanding and their economy has been growing rapidly in the past period, but there is little literature on the impact of their exchange rate on the trade surplus, so from this point of view, The aim is to provide assistance for the development of relevant national policies. This paper focuses on the BRICs by comparing the results of linear model and nonlinear model to explain the effect of exchange rate fluctuation on export trade. In the linear regression results, the exchange rates of the four countries were significantly negatively correlated with the value of exports; From the point of view of exchange rate volatility, there is no significant relationship between China's exchange rate volatility and exports. Brazil's exchange rate volatility is positively correlated with exports at a significant level of 5%, while India and Russia are both positively correlated at a significant level of 1%. In terms of income levels, the income levels of the four countries are also significantly positively correlated with their export values. In the threshold regression model, in addition to the exchange rate fluctuations between 3.71 and 4.14, the exchange rate is positively correlated with the export value, and there is a significant negative correlation between the exchange rate and the export value at other times. The exchange rate of China and Russia against the dollar is negatively correlated with exports. From the point of view of exchange rate fluctuations, only when the exchange rate of Brazil is positively correlated with exports, the relationship with exports is significantly negative, while the exchange rate volatility of China and Russia has no significant correlation with exports. Finally, Brazil's income level shows a positive correlation with exports when the exchange rate fluctuates less, and negatively with exports when the exchange rate fluctuates more, while the income levels of China and Russia are significantly positively correlated with export value. This may be due to the differences in the structure of export commodities and the exchange rate regime of each country. From the empirical results of this paper, the future development of China is still export-oriented economic development, exchange rate fluctuations have a certain impact on the economic development of our country. When the exchange rate is volatile, risk-averse manufacturers reduce production, so the government should try to keep the yuan stable. However, the stability of Chinese currency in the international market depends on the profit margin and survivability of domestic enterprises. Chinese enterprises should always maintain risk awareness and should be vigilant against abnormal exchange rate fluctuations. The monetary authorities should actively promote the process of internationalization of the renminbi, which can also reduce the uncertainty that domestic export trade is subject to exchange rate changes. Thus, the export-oriented economic growth mode will be transformed into the expansion of domestic demand-oriented economic growth mode.


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