

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-14 10:50
[Abstract]:As a new engine of China's economic development, E-commerce has rapidly changed the traditional business and consumption patterns in a short period of more than ten years, and has greatly promoted the rapid growth of China's economy. But still in the groping period of development, new challenges to all aspects of social management continue. Compared with the western developed countries, China's e-commerce still needs to be improved in many aspects, especially in the construction and optimization of the national fiscal policy system. Because electronic commerce is a new field with new characteristics, the fiscal and taxation policies applied to traditional fields can not be directly transplanted to the field of electronic commerce. If we do not solve the constraints of existing fiscal policies on e-commerce in time, it will affect its long-term development. Therefore, this paper begins with the introduction of the development of electronic commerce in Shenzhen, analyzes the current situation of fiscal and taxation policies, tax collection and management, and estimates the scale of tax loss, and combs the existing fiscal and tax problems in the field of electronic commerce. Based on the fiscal policies of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve and support the development of Shenzhen's electronic commerce. At the same time, this article also combines the actual situation of China, takes the national interest as the first, adheres to the principle of tax neutrality, increases support, universal management, and focuses on taxation. On the basis of encouraging and supporting the formulation and implementation of the fiscal and taxation policies for the development of electronic commerce, the tax administration of electronic commerce should be regulated step by step. The innovation of this paper mainly lies in the fiscal and tax suggestions, which include: relying on the strong financial support of the government, urging the government, strengthening the support and supervision, and formulating policies suitable to the electronic commerce; Make clear three kinds of key support enterprises and business, such as e-commerce platform enterprises and quality standards of ecommerce; On the basis of standardizing the application of tax categories, tax registration, invoice reform and other basic tax collection and management to the new tax objects, B2B, The B2C market has gradually implemented the information flow management model of electronic commerce tax source management cloud platform and the capital flow tax collection and management mode of opening special account of electronic commerce bank. The C2C market is brought into the category of tax base management first, and then standardized gradually in the later period. Professional tax collection and administration.


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