

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-14 07:49
[Abstract]:O _ 2O retail can produce customer locking effect, but this effect is often not obvious due to customers' low willingness to adopt O _ 2O retail system. According to the factors that affect the customer's willingness to adopt the O2O retail system and the degree of influence among the customers with different online shopping experience, a model of the willingness to adopt the O2O retail system is established. And through empirical research to verify the four dimensions of customer perceived value to the O2O retail system adoption willingness mechanism and online shopping experience can be found that the four dimensions of customer perceived value (save money, convenience, exploration), Entertainment) is an important factor influencing the customer's attitude towards the use of the O2O retail system, and they can significantly influence the customer's willingness to adopt the system through their attitude towards the O2O retail system. The experience of online shopping significantly adjusts the influence of saving money and exploring on the attitude of using O2O retail system, but the relationship between convenience, entertainment and attitude of using O2O retail system does not play a significant role. Therefore, in order to improve the willingness of customers to adopt the O2O retail system, the traditional retailers should start from the motivation of the customers to adopt the O2O retail system in the process of multi-channel transformation. Enhance the perceived utility and hedonic value of using the O 2 O retail system.
【作者單位】: 武漢紡織大學(xué)管理學(xué)院;華中科技大學(xué)管理學(xué)院;
【基金】:國家自然科學(xué)基金資助項目“多渠道整合對零售商權(quán)益的作用機理研究:基于線上與線下的視角”(71172002);“移動Web2.0環(huán)境下流媒體信息服務(wù)用戶行為機理研究”(71203169) 湖北省教育廳科技資助項目“產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新對品牌權(quán)益的影響機制研究”(Q20101611)


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