

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-13 19:26
[Abstract]:China is one of the largest consumers of tobacco. At present, in the area of tobacco sales and management, only China implements a complete monopoly system, a special system aimed at cracking down on the illegal tobacco trade and ensuring state revenue. The promotion of the competitiveness of national tobacco enterprises has accumulated a wealth of experience and security, the survival and development of the tobacco industry is more dependent on the state, society and consumers. In order to safeguard the national and consumer interests, the "Tobacco Monopoly Law of the people's Republic of China" gives monopoly managers the power to enforce the law, how to make good use of the power in their hands, and how to better serve the market and the vast number of retail customers and consumers. This is worth deep thinking and analysis. This paper takes Hami Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Company) as an example, hoping to explore the management methods to adapt to the current economic development and market environment through the research on the construction of Hami tobacco law enforcement personnel. Therefore, after analyzing the current situation of the competency evaluation personnel of Hami tobacco law enforcement personnel, we have a certain understanding of the importance of tobacco law enforcement personnel and the problems that need to be promoted, and then think about it in combination with the actual situation. The author thinks that through the management of tobacco law enforcement personnel and the promotion of "six abilities" of administrative law enforcement officers themselves, that is, the promotion of professional accomplishment, professional skills, administrative law enforcement ability and customer service ability. The promotion of market management ability and team cooperation ability further promote the administrative law enforcement personnel to establish the awareness of "civilized law enforcement, law enforcement for the people," enhance the professional and technical ability and professional ethics literacy, improve work efficiency, To build an excellent team to serve the masses is the optimized way and foundation to strengthen the construction of law enforcement personnel, to provide talent guarantee for the sustainable development of Hami tobacco, and to contribute to the economic development of Hami region.


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