

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-12 18:02
[Abstract]:With the promotion of reform and opening up and the acceleration of industrialization, the gap between urban and rural areas is gradually widening, and the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is extremely important. In view of the profound changes in the mode of agricultural production and management at present, it is urgent to develop the socialized agricultural service covering the whole process, comprehensive supporting, convenient and efficient agricultural socialization service. Therefore, the construction of the agricultural socialized service system is an important content of the rural reform. It is also a strategic move to develop modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics. For a long time, supply and marketing cooperatives have taken root in rural areas and served farmers. They have more perfect management network, organization system and service function, which can provide comprehensive services for agricultural production. The participation of supply and marketing cooperatives in the construction of agricultural socialized service system is the demand of their own reform and development, as well as the urgent need to do a good job in the service work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers under the new situation. Therefore, this paper chooses supply and marketing cooperatives to participate in the construction of agricultural socialized service system as the research object. The first part is a brief analysis of the organizational system, historical evolution and basic functions of the supply and marketing cooperatives, as well as the main contents of the construction of the agricultural socialized service system, so as to clarify the position of the supply and marketing cooperatives in the construction of the agricultural socialized service system. Secondly, on the basis of transaction cost theory, firm equilibrium theory and network organization theory, this paper expounds the reasons why supply and marketing cooperatives need to participate in the construction of agricultural socialized service system. It is not only necessary for the government to make use of the advantages of the network organization of the supply and marketing cooperatives to construct the agricultural socialized service system, but also for the reform and development of the supply and marketing cooperatives themselves. This paper also discusses the role of supply and marketing cooperatives in agricultural socialized service, and analyzes the four main modes of supply and marketing cooperatives' participation in the construction of agricultural socialized service system. Thirdly, this paper investigates the current situation and achievements of Quanzhou supply and marketing cooperative participating in the construction of agricultural socialized service system, and analyzes the typical case of innovating agricultural socialized service. This paper puts forward the problems faced by Quanzhou supply and marketing cooperatives participating in the construction of agricultural socialized service system, which are manifested in the following problems: low degree of modernization circulation and single mode of operation and service, and analyzes the reasons for the existing problems in depth. Finally, in view of the actual situation of the supply and marketing cooperatives participating in the construction of agricultural socialized service system, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions: to expand the management system, to innovate the service system, to perfect the organizational system, and to break the bottleneck of talent and capital restriction.


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