

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-11 19:15
[Abstract]:At present, the development of retail business is affected by the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics and other industries, and the market share of the physical retailers in the whole market has been greatly impacted. Major supermarkets and retailers have pulled out of the market and offline physical retail networks are experiencing their coldest winter since they were founded. How retailers cope with the crisis is imperative for a new round of offline retail integration. However, how to integrate the offline retail network requires a professional and comprehensive analysis of the present situation of retail business development, and according to the actual development of the enterprise, the paper gives out the current retail competition situation. In line with the enterprise development of innovative offline retail network chain convenience store development model. Firstly, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the community integration and expansion of Xuezi supermarket, analyzes the operating status of Xuezi supermarket, the management status of community grocery store and the operation of the existing competitors respectively. Secondly, based on the results of the present situation analysis of Jiamusi physical retail store, this paper makes a detailed and systematic SWOT analysis of the Xuezi supermarket, gives the corresponding alternative strategy, and makes the corresponding strategic choice. Then it gives the new situation of retail, aiming at the item selection and innovation of the convenience store model and the corresponding chain convenience store integration and expansion model, and finally for this model from human resources, procurement, distribution, Marketing and other aspects of the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.


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