

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-10 18:56
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's status as a major trading country has become increasingly prominent, and the remarkable achievements in foreign trade, especially export trade, have attracted more and more attention. Although China has become one of the real global trading powers in the world, it is not a trade power. China's trade structure has been the focus of attention, in the past a long period of time, domestic economists have been devoted to the analysis of the current situation of China's trade structure and structural improvement. Although the export trade structure has been optimized in recent years, there are still hidden worries in the import structure. From the strategy of "revitalizing trade through science and technology" to the "guiding opinions on strengthening imports to promote the balanced Development of Foreign Trade" promulgated by the State Council in recent years, and "some opinions on strengthening imports", we can see that the country is implementing them. Active import promotion strategies, Aims to encourage the import of advanced technology, equipment and key components. This paper studies the influence of high-tech products on export structure from the point of view of import of high-tech products. From 1991 to 2012, the import data of China's high-tech products and the related data of China's export trade structure are selected as samples, and the unit root test is used in the selected sample space. Johansen cointegration test and Granger causality test are used to study the relationship between the import of high-tech products and the changes of commodity structure and mode structure in export trade. The results show that in the long run, the import of high-tech products will have a positive effect on the export of primary products, manufactured goods and general products, and a negative impact on the export of processed trade products. Generally speaking, it will be conducive to the optimization of export trade structure.


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