

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-10 15:05
【摘要】:在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)云平臺和大數(shù)據(jù)挖掘分析技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展下,越來越多樣、越來越復(fù)雜的廣告營銷方式不斷推動廣告行業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展。以用廣告受眾為核心的需求方平臺(Demand-Side Platform,DSP)通過消費者行為分析,將廣告投入到有需求的個體面前。而由于移動通信的普及和移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的高速發(fā)展,人和智能終端一一綁定,終端的地理位置變化有效反應(yīng)人的地理位置變化,這將對以精準營銷為核心的DSP廣告投放帶來跨越式發(fā)展。本文以大型購物中心這一典型線下商務(wù)場景為研究對象,結(jié)合室內(nèi)定位技術(shù)追蹤購物中心消費者的移動軌跡,對購物中心內(nèi)的移動廣告投放記錄與廣告效果記錄進行深入挖掘和分析,充分考慮消費者的個人屬性、移動軌跡等多維信息,以線下消費者的地理位置變化為核心要素,將線上精準營銷的DSP廣告模式與線下特殊場景結(jié)合,提出了基于消費者移動軌跡的DSP廣告投放4W(When and Where send What to Who)策略模型,并分別從“廣告受眾畫像”、“廣告內(nèi)容動態(tài)關(guān)聯(lián)”、“廣告投放時機選擇”等三個要素對模型結(jié)構(gòu)進行了闡述說明,針對不同要素中的核心內(nèi)容提出假設(shè)。針對上述模型,本文選取了某大型購物中心為研究對象,提取相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)對上述模型中的三個要素展開分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)廣告受眾畫像中的消費者的性別與廣告效果并無相關(guān)關(guān)系,而消費者的年齡、是否購物中心會員、會員擁有時長等靜態(tài)因素,以及消費者在購物中心的日均訪問的駐留時長、近30天或近7天路過或進入購物中心次數(shù)等動態(tài)特征、以及是否目的消費的客群類別等都會對購物中心的廣告效果產(chǎn)生影響。值得一提的是,近30天路過和進入購物中心的次數(shù)對消費者受廣告影響的作用呈現(xiàn)出完全相反的關(guān)系,并且近30天與近7天的對應(yīng)記錄也呈現(xiàn)出相反的作用規(guī)律。此外,購物中心的消費者對不同店鋪的訪問存在關(guān)聯(lián)關(guān)系,關(guān)聯(lián)店鋪和熱門店鋪都能輔助模型更好地挖掘消費者的購物中心行為習慣,為模型中的DSP廣告定向投放提供參考依據(jù)。同時,本文發(fā)現(xiàn)購物中心的消費者對該場景中的移動廣告做出積極響應(yīng)的概率在進入商場的開始時段最高,并隨著其進入商場的時間延長先降低后增加。根據(jù)以上研究結(jié)論,本文對基于消費者移動軌跡的DSP廣告投放4W策略模型進行了總結(jié)分析,對使用該模型的不同角色(即廣告商、廣告主、廣告受眾等)之間的關(guān)系進行了探討,并分別面向廣告商和廣告主提出了基于消費者移動軌跡的DSP廣告投放4W策略模型的使用建議,以達到廣告雙方各自盈利的目標,共同維護和發(fā)展作為廣告受眾的消費者,在提高廣告效果的同時改善消費者的服務(wù)體驗。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet cloud platform and big data mining and analysis technology, more and more diverse and more complex advertising marketing methods continue to promote the vigorous development of advertising industry. The demand side platform (Demand-Side Platform,DSP), which takes the advertising audience as the core, puts the advertisement in front of the individual with demand through the analysis of consumer behavior. Due to the popularity of mobile communication and the rapid development of the mobile Internet, people and intelligent terminals are bound one by one. The change of geographical location of the terminal effectively reflects the change of the geographical location of people. This will be accurate marketing as the core of DSP advertising to bring leapfrog development. This paper takes the typical offline business scene of the shopping mall as the research object, and tracks the movement of the shopping center consumer with the indoor positioning technology. This paper deeply excavates and analyzes the mobile advertising record and advertising effect record in shopping center, fully considers the multi-dimensional information, such as personal attribute, mobile track, etc., and takes the change of offline consumer's geographical location as the core element. Combining the DSP advertising model of online precision marketing with the offline special scene, this paper puts forward the 4W (When and Where send What to Who) strategy model of DSP advertising based on the consumer mobile trajectory, and respectively from "Advertising audience Portrait", "dynamic correlation of advertising content" and "choice of advertising timing" are three elements to explain the structure of the model, and hypotheses are put forward for the core contents of different elements. In view of the above model, this paper selects a shopping center as the research object, extracts the relevant data to analyze the three elements of the above model, and finds that there is no correlation between the gender of the consumer in the portrait of the advertising audience and the advertising effect. The age of the consumers, whether they are members of the shopping center, whether the members have static factors such as the length of time the members have, as well as the length of stay of the daily visits of the consumers in the shopping center, the number of times of passing by or entering the shopping center in the last 30 days or nearly 7 days, etc, are dynamic characteristics. And whether the purpose of consumer groups and so on will have an impact on the effectiveness of the shopping center advertising. It is worth mentioning that the number of times passing by and entering shopping centers in the last 30 days shows a completely opposite relationship to the effect of advertising on consumers, and the corresponding records of the last 30 days and 7 days also show the opposite law of action. In addition, there is a relationship between access to different stores by shoppers in shopping centers. Both associated stores and popular stores can help the model to better excavate consumers' shopping center behavior habits. This paper provides a reference for the targeted placement of DSP ads in the model. At the same time, this paper finds that the probability of positive response to mobile advertising in this scene is the highest in the beginning period of entering the shopping mall, and decreases first and then increases with the time of entering the mall. According to the above conclusions, this paper summarizes and analyzes the 4W strategy model of DSP advertising based on the consumer mobile trajectory, and analyzes the different roles of using the model (that is, advertisers, advertisers). The relationship between advertising audience and so on is discussed, and the suggestions of DSP advertising 4W strategy model based on consumer mobile trajectory are put forward for advertisers and advertisers, respectively, in order to achieve the goal of making profit for both sides of the advertisement. Jointly maintain and develop the consumers as the advertising audience, improve the advertising effect while improving the service experience of consumers.


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