

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-10 19:53
[Abstract]:At the end of the 20th century, with the progress of science and technology and the development of transportation technology, the mode of world trade changed from the mode of intra-industry division of labor to the mode of intra-product division of trade. The change of world trade mode has influenced the trade between China and the United States, and the volume and structure of trade between China and the United States have changed greatly. The change of the volume and structure of China's exports to the United States has caused a series of new trade problems, among which the more prominent one is the duration of China's trade with the United States. The increase in the duration of trade has different effects on different types of products, and what factors have an impact on the duration of China's export trade to the United States, How to use these factors to regulate the duration of China's export trade to the United States to promote the quality of China's exports to the United States and upgrade the industrial structure has become a top priority. The traditional international trade theory mainly studies the international trade from the aspects of trade object and trade structure, but seldom studies and analyses from the angle of trade duration, so the traditional international trade theory can not fully explain the trade duration problem. Trade duration theory is a new research direction in recent years. Trade duration refers to the time spent by a product from entering the market of the destination country to withdrawing from the market of the country of destination for the first time. In this paper, the survival analysis method is used to study the duration of China's export trade to the United States from the perspective of trade duration. Firstly, this paper analyzes the trade model between China and the United States, analyzes the formation and development process of Sino-US trade model, and introduces the theory of factor endowment and Ricardo expansion model to explain the theory. Then this paper introduces the issue of trade duration, analyzes the factors that affect the duration of China's trade with the United States, and explains theoretically that the increase of trade duration is not beneficial to all types of products. It should be treated differently. In the part of empirical research, the concept, types and relevant models of survival analysis methods are introduced briefly. Then delete the collected data and use the Kaplan-Merier model in the survival analysis method to make descriptive statistics on the duration of China's trade with the United States export products. This paper uses index model and Weibull model to test the influence factors of China on the duration of American export trade. Finally, the Xprobit model is used to test the robustness. The empirical results show that the types of factor endowment of export products, the initial trade volume of export products, the unit value of export products, U.S. economic conditions and China's economic conditions have a significant impact on the duration of Chinese exports to the United States. According to the results of empirical research, this paper puts forward some relevant policy recommendations, hoping to provide guidance for the sustainable and stable development of China's export trade to the United States, as well as theoretical basis for the relevant research on China's export trade to the United States.


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