

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-08 20:22
[Abstract]:In addition to the well-known effects of trade restrictions, trade transfers and secondary protection, will anti-dumping investigations have the so-called "fear effect" that leads to a decline in the number of alleged dumping countries exporting to third-party markets? The logic and method of answering this question by means of statistics and metrology is the technical key to comprehensively understand and scientifically judge the effect of anti-dumping trade. Taking the European Union seamless steel tubes and the CIS countries' anti-dumping investigation cases against China as an example, on the basis of a large number of trade data involved, following the idea of first selecting and then excluding, using Chow mutation point test, virtual variable model, Methods and means of Granger causality test and quantile regression were compared and analyzed. While demonstrating exemplary methods and procedures for determining the "fear effect" of anti-dumping investigations, thus providing a paradigm for possible evaluation of similar effects in international trade activities, It answers the question whether the anti-dumping investigation must have "fear effect". On this basis, the validity of the "fear effect" of anti-dumping investigation is measured by cluster analysis, and the following conclusions are drawn: the European Union anti-dumping investigation is the direct reason for the sharp decline of China's seamless steel pipe exports to the United States market. This article calls this the "fear effect" of the anti-dumping investigation. At the same time, the cluster analysis of 23 countries that China mainly exports seamless steel pipes shows that the "fear effect" of anti-dumping investigation only occurred in the United States and did not transmit to other countries.


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