

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-02 12:01
[Abstract]:In 2017, the "No. 1 document" of the Central Committee proposed "strengthening agricultural cooperation with foreign countries and promoting agriculture going out", which set the tone for China's agricultural products to export to the international market, and also pointed out the direction for the study of the problems related to the international trade of agricultural products. Under the background of the increasingly prominent structural contradiction in agriculture, some agricultural products in China are facing severe pressure of high inventory, and international trade is an important channel to alleviate the pressure. At the same time, Heilongjiang is an important agricultural province in China, as well as an important commodity grain base, which ensures national food security and stabilizes social order. In 2016, the rice yield of Heilongjiang Province was 25.1 billion jin, and the commercialization rate was 66.2, ranking first in the country. But in the connection with the global market, there are some deficiencies, mainly in rice quality, rice varieties. Based on this, this paper begins to elaborate the present situation of rice export in Heilongjiang Province, analyze the rice export environment, deconstruct the main problems and disadvantages in rice export, reveal the factors that affect the competitiveness of rice export. This paper discusses several problems, such as the potential of rice export at the bottom, and puts forward the ideas as follows: firstly, based on the global perspective, the current rice production, consumption, inventory, import and export situation are analyzed, and the current rice market environment is examined macroscopically. Then the production and trade of rice in Heilongjiang Province were analyzed. Secondly, from the international and domestic levels, select the international market share, indicative comparative advantage index, trade competitiveness index to examine the world's export competitiveness performance, select symmetry display comparative advantage index. The trade balance index is compared with the domestic market to further clarify the competitive position of Heilongjiang Province rice in the international and domestic markets. Thirdly, according to the theory of industrial competitiveness, the theory of diamond system, with the help of expert investigation, hierarchical analysis and grey correlation method, this paper analyzes the factors that affect rice competitiveness, and combs the constraints that affect the international competitiveness of rice. Deconstruct its influence mechanism. Finally, some suggestions on how to improve the rice competitiveness of Heilongjiang Province are put forward from the aspects of rice quality, transformation of rice industry and reform of management system and mechanism. This study comprehensively analyzed the influencing factors of Heilongjiang Province rice export competitiveness, which can promote Heilongjiang Province rice market competitiveness, promote agricultural supply-side structural reform, and formulate grain import and export trade policy. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to actively integrate Belt and Road's strategy.


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