

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-02 11:20
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of network economy, the consumption channels gradually present a diversified trend, offline consumption becomes a trend to online consumption, and the coordination between physical retail and online retailing becomes the development trend of retail enterprises in the future. Consumers frequently switch between physical channels and network channels, enjoying the fun brought by the development of information technology and electronic commerce. The cooperative development of two channels provides a wider and more convenient space for consumer purchasing behavior. Compared with a single channel, the consumer shopping process is more complex and changeable, and consumer behavior presents new characteristics. Combined with Nicosia model and TRA theory, this paper analyzes the forming factors of consumer trust under the background of dual channels. Based on this, the dynamic transfer analysis of consumer trust is carried out, and the path of consumer trust transfer is constructed, which is divided into two categories: inter-channel trust transfer and intra-channel trust transfer. Then, from consumer psychological analysis to consumer behavior result analysis, the relationship between consumer trust transfer and channel migration behavior is explored, and the theoretical model of consumer trust transfer and channel migration behavior is constructed, and the Agent simulation modeling method is used. From the angle of complex adaptive system theory, the migration behavior of consumers under the background of double channels is analyzed. It is found that the tendency of consumer channel trust and the number of consumers can be contacted have great influence on the consumers of network channel. The time factor will greatly stimulate the real channel consumers to buy, at the same time, adjusting the price ratio between channels will affect the channel choice of consumers. When the price ratio is equal, there is no obvious difference between the physical channel and the network channel. Through innovative research, this paper reveals the development mechanism of consumer trust in retail enterprises, probes into the relationship between consumer psychological factors and behavioral results, and constructs a theoretical model of consumer trust transfer and channel migration behavior. It will expand and deepen the research on entity and network retailing, and provide the theoretical basis for the acquisition and promotion of retail enterprises' competitive advantage and the sustainable development of retailing, which is the important theoretical and practical value of this study.


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