

發(fā)布時間:2018-11-01 16:09
[Abstract]:Over the past two decades, China and Russia have maintained highly friendly political relations and made great contributions to the peoples of China and Russia and to world peace. However, compared with the highly friendly political relations between the two countries, economic cooperation between China and Russia is far from satisfactory. Although the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is growing steadily and steadily, the "political hot economy" is still the main characteristic of Sino-Russian economic cooperation. The Sino-Russian trade volume is far from that of other major countries in the world, and the investment between the two countries is quite limited. How to promote economic and trade cooperation between the two countries on the basis of highly friendly political relations, It is an important issue that has always been concerned and discussed by the Chinese and Russian academic circles. In 2013, because of the crisis in Ukraine, the United States-led Western countries imposed economic sanctions on Russia and Russia's anti-sanctions, which had a serious impact on the Russian economy. It also has a knock-on effect on Russia's international economic relations. So, how does this affect Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation? is it an opportunity or a challenge? This paper uses the empirical analysis method to analyze the changes in Sino-Russian economic and trade relations after the western economic sanctions, including the two aspects of scale and structure, and draws the realistic conclusion of the influence of the western economic sanctions on the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation. To find out the deep problems that affect the Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation, so as to promote the healthy development of Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation. In addition to the introduction, the content of this paper includes four parts. The first part is a comprehensive analysis of the contents and methods of the western economic sanctions against Russia, and compares the economic sanctions with the previous ones. The second part is a descriptive analysis of the scale and structure of Sino-Russian trade, so as to give the overall appearance of Sino-Russian trade before the western economic sanctions and the changes that have taken place after the western economic sanctions. The third part is the empirical analysis of the relationship between Western economic sanctions and Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation. The fourth part is based on the conclusions of the second and third parts of the study on Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation. Finally, some conclusions and revelations are given. Through empirical analysis, it is found that the proportion of manufactured goods in Sino-Russian trade structure is increasing after western economic sanctions, especially the proportion of capital-technology-intensive products. Through the further analysis of Sino-Russian trade by trade combination index and trade complementarity index, it is concluded that Sino-Russian trade integration is getting closer and closer, and China's trade integration with Russia is higher but lower. Russia's trade with China is on the rise. Sino-Russian trade is highly complementary in industrial manufactured goods, machinery and equipment, and miscellaneous products, which has laid the foundation for the strengthening of Sino-Russian trade relations. Western economic sanctions have a significant negative impact on Russia's total trade volume and exports, but not on Russia's imports. Trade between China and Russia is a potential-developing type, and bilateral trade still has a lot of room for development. Finally, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions on Sino-Russian trade from the aspects of improving Sino-Russian trade system and optimizing Sino-Russian trade structure, in order to promote the sustainable development of Sino-Russian trade.


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