

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-26 18:38

  本文選題:外賣O2O 切入點:影響因素 出處:《哈爾濱工業(yè)大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的興起,外賣行業(yè)也逐漸從線下模式轉(zhuǎn)移到線上和線下相結(jié)合的發(fā)展模式,即Online To Offline。一方面,線上一端發(fā)揮了互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的便捷特性,線下一端充分接近消費者,打破了傳統(tǒng)外賣行業(yè)中消費者和商家在空間和時間上的阻隔,為本文的研究提供了不同于傳統(tǒng)行業(yè)和其他電商平臺的研究背景;另一方面,外賣O2O行業(yè)的快速發(fā)展也帶來了很多問題,商家信譽問題、配送問題、餐品價格問題等已經(jīng)成為影響外賣O2O入駐商家的關鍵問題,關系著外賣O2O平臺和入駐商家的良性發(fā)展。因此通過研究外賣O2O入駐商家銷量的影響機制來研究這些問題具有很大現(xiàn)實意義。本文選擇外賣O2O平臺為研究對象,從物流、價格、信譽等方面因素來研究入駐商家銷量的影響機制。首先,介紹了本文的研究背景和研究現(xiàn)狀;其次,根據(jù)論文的理論基礎提出了相應的研究假設,并提出了論文的模型;最后,針對本文收集到的數(shù)據(jù),對外賣O2O入駐商家銷量的影響機制進行了的研究。研究包括三個層次,即銷量影響因素的相對重要性分析、銷量影響因素之間的交互作用分析、不同銷量水平下影響因素的不對稱作用分析。本文的研究采用定量分析的研究方法,通過八爪魚網(wǎng)絡數(shù)據(jù)采集器對X外賣平臺入駐商家的詳情數(shù)據(jù)進行爬取,主要爬取了月銷量、是否平臺專送、配送時間、配送及時率、起送價格、配送費、總評價量、綜合評分等數(shù)據(jù),利用SPSS20.0對爬取數(shù)據(jù)進行分析處理,以驗證本文的研究假設。得出如下結(jié)論:(1)在銷量影響因素的相對重要性分析中,配送時間、起送價格、總評價量對入駐商家月銷量有顯著正向影響,配送費用對月銷量有顯著負向影響,總評價量對月銷量的影響程度最大;(2)在銷量影響因素之間的交互作用分析中,起送價格和總評價量之間存在正向的交互作用;(3)在不同銷量水平下影響因素的不對稱作用分析中,高銷量商家和低銷量商家的影響因素并不完全相同。理論上本文的研究為以后外賣O2O領域的相關研究提供了一定的理論基礎和方法角度,實踐上,本文的研究結(jié)果可為外賣O2O平臺及入駐商家做決策提供參考。
[Abstract]:With the rise of the Internet, the take-out industry has gradually shifted from offline mode to a combination of online and offline development model, that is, Online to Offline.On the one hand, the online end has brought the convenience of the Internet into full play, and the lower end of the line is close to consumers. It breaks the barrier between consumers and merchants in the traditional takeout industry in space and time, and provides a research background different from the traditional industry and other e-commerce platforms for the research of this paper; on the other hand, The rapid development of the take-out O2O industry has also brought many problems. The problems of business reputation, distribution, food prices and so on have become the key problems that affect the entry of takeout O2O. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study these problems by studying the influence mechanism of the sales volume of take-out O2O. In this paper, the take-out O2O platform is chosen as the research object, from the aspects of logistics, price, etc. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and research status of this paper; secondly, according to the theoretical basis of the paper, it puts forward the corresponding research hypotheses, and puts forward the model of the paper. According to the data collected in this paper, the influence mechanism of sales volume of O2O to foreign sales is studied. The research includes three levels: the analysis of relative importance of the factors affecting sales volume, the analysis of the interaction between the factors affecting sales volume, and the analysis of the influence factors of sales volume. In this paper, the quantitative analysis method is used to analyze the influence factors under different sales level, and the detailed data of X take-out platform are crawled through the network data collector of Octopus. Mainly crawling monthly sales, whether the platform is dedicated to delivery, distribution time, distribution time, delivery rate, delivery price, distribution fee, total evaluation, comprehensive evaluation and other data, using SPSS20.0 to analyze and process the crawling data. In the analysis of the relative importance of the factors influencing the sales volume, the distribution time, the starting price, the total evaluation price have a significant positive effect on the monthly sales volume of the resident merchants. The distribution cost has a significant negative effect on the monthly sales volume, and the total evaluation price has the greatest influence on the monthly sales volume. (2) in the analysis of the interaction between the factors affecting the sales volume, the distribution cost has a significant negative impact on the monthly sales volume. There is a positive interaction between the starting price and the total evaluation price. The influencing factors of high-volume and low-volume merchants are not identical. Theoretically, the research in this paper provides a certain theoretical basis and method for the related research in the field of takeout O2O. The results of this paper can be used as a reference for takeout O 2 O 2 O 2 O platform and decision making.


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