

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 03:02

  本文關鍵詞:服裝行業(yè)“店選網購”跳單問題研究 出處:《天津財經大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 跳單問題 “店選網購” 服裝行業(yè) 差異化策略 消費者需求

[Abstract]:Jump list problems generally exist in the medical industry, real estate agents, home shopping malls, as well as electronic products, books, clothing and other retail industries. These include "renting less and selling more", "asking for disputes", "shopping in hospital clinics" and "shopping online". With the emergence of e-commerce mode and the rapid development of mobile smart devices and their applications, the traditional retail market has changed. The phenomenon of "shop online shopping" is becoming more and more serious, which causes huge loss of benefits to the traditional shops. This paper mainly analyzes the influence factors of "shop online shopping". Find out the deep motivation of "shop online shopping" jump issue, so as to provide the corresponding countermeasures for enterprises and the government. The paper is problem-oriented, clothing industry as an example, respectively from the enterprise. From the perspective of consumers and commodities, this paper uses case study and mathematical analysis to study the problem of "shop online shopping". The first chapter is the introduction, and puts forward the "shop online shopping" skip order problem. This paper describes the phenomenon of online shopping in clothing industry, and puts forward the analysis framework and expected goal of the paper. The second chapter analyzes the relationship between enterprise management mode and channel model and jump order problem from the perspective of enterprise form, and clarifies the free-rider behavior based on information. The third chapter analyzes the relationship between online shopping in clothing industry and consumer demand from the perspective of consumer behavior. The relationship between preference and risk aversion psychology summarizes the individual characteristics of consumers who tend to "shop online shopping". Chapter 4th from the point of view of commodity attributes. This paper analyzes the relationship between "shop online shopping", commodity attributes and brand characteristics, and gets the characteristics of the object. Chapter 5th puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for enterprises and governments; Chapter 6th is a summary of the full text and prospects for future research. The main conclusions of the paper can be summarized as follows: first, under certain other conditions, whether business model or channel choice. As long as different enterprises adopt the strategy of the higher the degree of differentiation, the more likely to jump; The individual characteristics, preferences and psychology of the second consumer will influence the possibility of "shop shopping" jumping; Thirdly, if the uncertainty of commodity attribute is higher, the matching degree between consumer demand and commodity attribute is higher. Then consumers "shop online shopping" the possibility is also high. 4th, store and online business enterprise countermeasures are: adopt the 020 model, establish a full channel structure; The strategy of service differentiation is adopted. The decision of the government is as follows: in the case of serious hitchhiking, RPMs are exempted, and the jump order is restricted; In cases where hitchhiking is not serious, market competition should be encouraged and intervention should be reduced.


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