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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-27 05:41

  本文選題:風險評價 + 全生命周期。 參考:《吉林大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, it is extremely important for real estate construction and design projects to carry out reasonable risk estimation and regulation. In addition, due to the particularity of such construction projects affected by a variety of unstable factors in the construction process, such as a series of regulations set up by the state on real estate, it needs stable and substantial financial support, and the construction time is longer. Because of the above reasons, the project risk management must be carried out in order to make the real estate construction carry out successfully and achieve the ideal income. In this paper, Qishan district is analyzed as a key point. According to the situation of risk management of the construction project and the actual demand and the possibility of actual operation, the paper makes a detailed solution to the existing risk management problems in this district. First, we should combine the investment plan, collect information on bidding and bidding, how to carry out operations, and other aspects of information, to find out the risk problems existing in this community. Will be involved in the construction of projects in the implementation of the possible problems will be summarized, clear understanding of the root causes of the problem. In order to set up a more standardized and complete index system of risk assessment, the fuzzy evaluation method is used to determine the risk level for the whole project and each time period, so that we can know which time period is the most risky. This paper takes the risk identification and evaluation as the criterion, and puts forward some concrete suggestions to avoid the risk and solve the risk problem in time, so as to reduce the loss as far as possible. Specifically, this paper mainly includes five parts, the first part of the introduction, mainly on the project risk management research background, research significance and domestic and foreign research status, research ideas and structure arrangements. The second part studies the theory and method of project risk management, including the concept of engineering project risk, the characteristics of engineering project risk, the definition and content of engineering project risk management, and the characteristics of engineering project risk management. The identification method of engineering project risk analysis, the steps of engineering project risk analysis, the cause and composition of engineering project risk and the basic theoretical knowledge of engineering project risk evaluation are expounded. The third part of Qishan community construction project risk management application research, mainly by Qishan district project overview, Qishan district project risk management status, The whole life cycle of Qishan district project is divided into stages and the implementation process of the whole life cycle risk management system of Qishan district project is made up of several parts. The fourth part is the key part of the article, mainly through the risk identification of the early stage of the project development, the risk identification of the construction phase and the risk of the lease and sale phase, the risk of Qishan district project is obtained. Then the risk of Qishan residential project investment decision-making stage, project development stage, construction stage and residential rental phase is systematically evaluated. The fifth part of Qishan project risk management countermeasures and implementation measures. Through the discussion of Qishan district project risk management countermeasures are as follows: Qishan district investment decision-making stage of the risk response strategy, Qishan district development early stage of risk response strategy, Qishan construction phase of the risk response strategy and Qishan residential rental phase of the risk response strategy. The guarantee measures for implementing risk response in Qishan district are as follows: raising the awareness of risk prevention, preparing for risk response, strengthening the introduction and training of talents, improving the level of risk response, perfecting the risk management mechanism, and improving the ability of risk response.


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