

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-26 16:43

  本文選題:民間信貸 + 利息所得稅; 參考:《財會通訊》2014年29期

[Abstract]:First, in recent years, with the country's tight monetary policy and the regulation of the real estate industry, SMEs, real estate, coal and other industries are increasingly difficult to finance. At the same time, with the continuous development of the market economy in our country, the private idle capital is increasing, and the interest rate on deposit and the interest income tax are decreasing. It also promotes people to invest private capital in the private credit market with higher income. The two-way growth of demand and supply makes the scale of our private credit market expand rapidly. Private credit, as an effective supplement of formal finance, to a great extent solves the problem of enterprise financing, which is of great importance to the social and economic development of our country.
【作者單位】: 武漢理工大學(xué);


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1 李玉鋒;;試論防范和化解民間借貸風(fēng)險的有效途徑[J];時代金融;2011年21期


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2 米海梅;;關(guān)于規(guī)范和發(fā)展我國民間金融的思考[J];北方經(jīng)濟;2013年14期

3 林伯先;;淺析我國民間信貸發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及影響[J];經(jīng)濟師;2013年02期

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