

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-26 09:13

  本文選題:城市綜合體 + 開發(fā); 參考:《浙江工業(yè)大學》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:21世紀是一個嶄新世紀,是人類社會從農(nóng)業(yè)社會進入到工業(yè)社會,進而全面躍入到城市社會的。隨著城鎮(zhèn)化進程的加速,城市同樣快速建設和飛速發(fā)展,同樣給城市的發(fā)展帶來了很多問題。城市人口密集帶來的車輛堵塞,城市空間不協(xié)調,用地緊張等矛盾,都促成城市副中心的形成。近幾年,城市綜合體在各大城市如雨后春筍般形成,其多樣化的物業(yè)形態(tài)集聚了城市功能,取代了原本的城市中心,形成一個個區(qū)域中心,緩解由人口密集帶來的一系列矛盾,可以說城市綜合體是城市發(fā)展到一定階段的產(chǎn)物,是房地產(chǎn)和商業(yè)共同發(fā)展的產(chǎn)物,是未來城市最重要的組成部分。同時,城市綜合體的開發(fā)進度控制也是對開發(fā)商實力的高度挑戰(zhàn),體現(xiàn)開發(fā)商的利益。可見未來的城市綜合體項目必須在國家大環(huán)境下,結合當?shù)亟?jīng)濟發(fā)展的要素,注重可持續(xù)的發(fā)展。 全文共分5個章節(jié),由理論和實際項目相結合,先以理論介紹城市綜合體開發(fā)成功的要素和關鍵原則,開發(fā)過程中的受影響的因素以及進度控制方法;再從項目實際出發(fā),介紹項目所在地周邊開發(fā)現(xiàn)狀,項目意向和開發(fā)的概念與思路,項目開發(fā)計劃;然后再對開發(fā)進度控制做研究延伸,列舉了影響項目開發(fā)進度的節(jié)點控制方法以及過程中的協(xié)調管理,之后再具體以E3博物館為例詳細分析開發(fā)計劃過程控制;最后總結全文并展望。 本文通過對城市綜合體、項目管理、計劃進度等不同專業(yè)的理論進行研究,對于在城市綜合體開發(fā)過程中進度控制需要注意的問題做出說明和分析,對具體實施過程中方法和協(xié)調加以研究,具備一定地操作性。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is a new century, the human society from the agricultural society into the industrial society, and then into the urban society. With the acceleration of urbanization process, cities are also rapid construction and rapid development, also brings a lot of problems to the development of cities. The traffic jam caused by urban population density, the disharmony of urban space, the tension of land use and so on, all contribute to the formation of the sub-center of the city. In recent years, urban complexes have sprung up in major cities, with their diverse forms of property gathering urban functions, replacing the original urban centers, forming regional centers, and alleviating a series of contradictions brought about by the dense population. It can be said that the urban complex is the product of the development of the city to a certain stage, the product of the common development of real estate and commerce, and the most important component of the city in the future. At the same time, the development progress control of urban complex is also a high challenge to the strength of developers, reflecting the interests of developers. Visible future urban complex projects must focus on sustainable development in the national environment, combined with the elements of local economic development. The full text is divided into five chapters, which are combined with theory and practice. Firstly, it introduces the elements and key principles of the successful development of urban complex, the affected factors in the development process and the method of progress control, and then proceeds from the project reality. This paper introduces the status quo of the development around the project site, the concept and idea of the project intention and development, the project development plan, and then extends the research on the development schedule control. This paper enumerates the node control methods which affect the progress of project development and the coordinated management in the process, and then takes the E3 Museum as an example to analyze the process control of the development plan in detail. Finally, the paper summarizes the full text and looks forward to it. By studying the theories of urban complex, project management, planning schedule and so on, this paper explains and analyzes the problems that should be paid attention to in the progress control of urban complex development. Research on the method and coordination in the concrete implementation process, have certain operation.


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