

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-23 17:45

  本文選題:預(yù)告登記制度 + 比較考察; 參考:《山東大學》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著市場經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,不動產(chǎn)交易市場變得日趨活躍,特別是以預(yù)售商品房為中心的交易市場。但是,房地產(chǎn)行業(yè)的不斷發(fā)展也帶來了一系列社會問題,尤其是房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商往往受房價上漲的經(jīng)濟利益驅(qū)使,做出違背市場誠實信用原則的“一房二賣”乃至“多賣”等行為,這嚴重損害了預(yù)購人的利益。為了保護預(yù)購人的利益以及交易安全,商品房預(yù)售合同登記制度得到確立和發(fā)展。但是商品房預(yù)售合同登記制度并不是我們通常所說的預(yù)告登記制度,二者在很多方面存在著差異。隨著2007年《物權(quán)法》的頒布,預(yù)告登記制度在我國得到正式確立,可以說這是我國登記制度上的一大亮點,是我國立法進步的表現(xiàn)。但是由于預(yù)告登記制度在我國起步較晚,和域外預(yù)告登記制度相比還存在很多不足,也在實踐當中遇到了諸多困境。所以,本文希望通過對預(yù)告登記制度基本問題的闡述分析和對域外預(yù)告登記制度的比較考察,然后立足于我國目前的立法實際,發(fā)現(xiàn)我國預(yù)告登記制度的不足并提出一些可行性的立法建議。不僅如此,本文對我國預(yù)告登記制度的研究分為實體與程序兩個方面,避開了重實體輕程序的研究方向,為以后的立法與研究提供了方向。 全文主要包括以下幾個部分: 第一章是對預(yù)告登記制度的基本概述,主要包括對預(yù)告登記概念的定位,起源的歷史追溯研究,國內(nèi)外關(guān)于預(yù)告登記性質(zhì)的討論并且提出了自己的觀點,預(yù)告登記本身的特性,預(yù)告登記與其他登記區(qū)別以及預(yù)告登記的價值分析。 第二章是對域外預(yù)告登記制度的比較考察,主要介紹了德國、日本和我國臺灣地區(qū)的預(yù)告登記制度,包括預(yù)告登記的適用范圍、效力、啟動程序、消滅原因等方面,而且還分析了它們之間的異同點及形成原因。 第三章是對我國預(yù)告登記制度的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀進行分析并提出了完善建議,其中包括了商品房預(yù)售合同登記制度和預(yù)告登記制度之間的比較分析以及二者在商品房預(yù)售領(lǐng)域的銜接問題,并就二者在商品房預(yù)售領(lǐng)域的銜接提出建議;預(yù)告登記制度在我國確立前期的地方性立法分析以及預(yù)告登記制度的正式確立和發(fā)展;從實體與程序兩個方面分析了我國預(yù)告登記制度存在的不足與缺失,并結(jié)合我國的立法實際、借鑒域外的立法經(jīng)驗,從立法體例選擇、實體方面、程序方面上對預(yù)告登記制度在我國的發(fā)展與完善提出相關(guān)立法建議。 最后,希望通過本文對預(yù)告登記制度的研究,能使得預(yù)告登記制度在我國真正發(fā)揮出其所應(yīng)該具有的價值與功能,能夠使其切實起到維護不動產(chǎn)的交易安全、保護債權(quán)人的利益的作用;同時希望能夠?qū)υ诓痪贸雠_的《不動產(chǎn)統(tǒng)一登記條例》中預(yù)告登記制度相關(guān)條文的設(shè)計以及未來預(yù)告登記制度在我國的完善起到一定的幫助作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy, the real estate market becomes more and more active, especially the market centered on pre-sale commercial housing. However, the continuous development of the real estate industry has also brought a series of social problems, especially the real estate developers are often driven by the economic benefits of rising house prices. The behavior of "one house, two selling" and even "selling more", which violates the principle of good faith in the market, has seriously damaged the interests of the buyers. In order to protect the interests of the buyers and the transaction security, the registration system of the pre-sale contract of commercial housing has been established and developed. However, the registration system of commercial housing pre-sale contract is not what we usually call the advance notice registration system, and there are differences between them in many aspects. With the promulgation of the Real right Law in 2007, the notice registration system has been formally established in China, which can be said to be a bright spot in the registration system of our country and the manifestation of the legislative progress of our country. However, due to the late start of the notice registration system in our country, compared with the foreign advance registration system, there are still many shortcomings, and also encountered many difficulties in practice. Therefore, this paper hopes to analyze the basic problems of the notice registration system and the comparative investigation of the extraterritorial notice registration system, and then based on the current legislative reality of our country. Find out the deficiency of the advance notice registration system in our country and put forward some feasible legislative suggestions. Moreover, the research on the system of advance notice registration in our country is divided into two aspects: entity and procedure, which avoid the research direction of emphasizing substance and light procedure, and provide the direction for future legislation and research. This paper mainly includes the following parts: The first chapter is the basic overview of the notice registration system, mainly including the positioning of the concept of advance notice registration, the history of the origin of the study, the domestic and foreign discussion on the nature of advance notice registration and put forward their own views, the characteristics of the advance notice registration. The difference between notice registration and other registration and the value analysis of notice registration. The second chapter is a comparative study of the extraterritorial notice registration system. It mainly introduces the advance notice registration system in Germany, Japan and Taiwan, including the scope of application, effectiveness, start-up procedure, elimination reasons and so on. The similarities and differences between them and the reasons for their formation are also analyzed. The third chapter is to analyze the current situation of the advance notice registration system in China and put forward some suggestions to improve it. It includes the comparative analysis between the registration system of the contract of commercial housing pre-sale and the system of advance notice registration, as well as the connection between the two in the field of pre-sale of commercial housing, and puts forward some suggestions on the connection between the two in the field of pre-sale of commercial housing. This paper analyzes the local legislation and the formal establishment and development of the advance notice registration system in our country, analyzes the deficiency and deficiency of the notice registration system from the aspects of entity and procedure. Combined with the legislative practice of our country, the author draws lessons from the foreign legislative experience, and puts forward some relevant legislative suggestions on the development and perfection of the advance notice registration system in our country from the aspects of legislative style selection, entity and procedure. Finally, it is hoped that through the study of the system of advance notice registration in this paper, the notice registration system can really play the value and function it should have in our country, and it can effectively maintain the transaction security of real estate. At the same time, it hopes to help the design of the relevant provisions of the notice registration system and the improvement of the future notice registration system in our country.




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