

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-23 02:23

  本文選題:房地產(chǎn)評估 + 立法; 參考:《南京工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:房地產(chǎn)評估是維持房地產(chǎn)市場公平公正的一種重要手段。我國房地產(chǎn)評估行業(yè)經(jīng)過了二十余年的發(fā)展,在各個方面都取得了一定的成績。但由于起步較晚,整個行業(yè)的發(fā)展存在著一些較為突出的問題,如行業(yè)管理體系交叉;惡性競爭;估價師從業(yè)艱難;評估行業(yè)社會公信力低等。我國在房地產(chǎn)評估法制建設(shè)方面出臺了一系列法律法規(guī)和規(guī)范性文件,但關(guān)于評估的專門法律一直處于空白狀態(tài)。我國評估行業(yè)的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,要求必須加快立法步伐,不斷完善評估法律體系。房地產(chǎn)評估立法需重點把握三個方面:一是管理估價主體,二是明確當(dāng)事人的權(quán)利與義務(wù),規(guī)范行業(yè)基本制度,三是規(guī)定嚴(yán)格的評估法律責(zé)任,對違法行為進(jìn)行有效懲罰。 本文通過對房地產(chǎn)評估行業(yè)法律規(guī)制現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行分析,并借鑒發(fā)達(dá)國家和地區(qū)的經(jīng)驗,提出建議制定和實施《房地產(chǎn)估價法》,規(guī)定估價機(jī)構(gòu)、估價人員、估價管理機(jī)構(gòu)、委托方的權(quán)利與義務(wù),尤其要對估價違法行為進(jìn)行嚴(yán)格的法律責(zé)任規(guī)定,規(guī)范估價執(zhí)業(yè)行為,保證公平、自由競爭。 征收補償評估是我國房地產(chǎn)估價實踐中的特殊類型,它具有政策性強、應(yīng)用范圍廣等特點。征收補償評估對維護(hù)公共利益、保障被征收人的合法權(quán)益具有重要作用,F(xiàn)行的針對征收補償中的評估制度的法律法規(guī)中的相關(guān)規(guī)定比較簡單,在實踐操作中,我國征收補償中的評估具有較大的隨意性,存在著一些問題。本文對我國征收補償評估制度從評估機(jī)構(gòu)、評估原則、評估方法、公眾參與、異議救濟(jì)方式等幾個方面提出對策和意見。
[Abstract]:Real estate evaluation is an important means to maintain the fair and impartial real estate market. After more than twenty years of development, the real estate evaluation industry has made certain achievements in all aspects. But because of the late start, the development of the whole industry has some more prominent questions, such as the intersecting of industry management system and vicious competition; The appraiser has a difficult employment and a low social credibility in evaluating the industry. A series of laws and regulations and normative documents have been issued in the construction of the legal system of real estate evaluation, but the special laws on evaluation have been in a blank state. The further development of the evaluation industry in China requires the need to accelerate the legislative pace and continuously improve the evaluation of the legal body. The legislation of real estate evaluation should focus on three aspects: one is to manage the subject of valuation, the two is to clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, to standardize the basic system of the industry, and the three is to stipulate strict legal responsibility for evaluating the law, and to punish the illegal acts effectively.
Through the analysis of the current situation of the legal regulation of the real estate evaluation industry and the experience of the developed countries and regions, the paper proposes to formulate and implement the "real estate valuation law", and stipulates the valuation institutions, valuers, valuation management institutions, the rights and obligations of the clients, especially the strict legal liability provisions on the illegal valuation of the valuation. Standardize valuation practice, ensure fairness and free competition.
Compensation assessment is a special type of real estate appraisal practice in China. It has the characteristics of strong policy and wide application. The expropriation compensation assessment plays an important role in maintaining public interests and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the levied person. In practice, the assessment of compensation in our country has great randomness and there are some problems. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and views on the compensation evaluation system of our country from the evaluation organization, the evaluation principle, the evaluation method, the public participation, the dissenting remedy and so on.



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