

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-22 18:37

  本文選題:地票 + 城鄉(xiāng)建設用地 ; 參考:《重慶工商大學》2013年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The urbanization level of our country fails to match the progress of industrialization, which leads to the intensification of the contradiction between urban and rural "dual structure". Since the reform and opening up, the urban-rural income gap has gradually expanded, and the restraining effect on the national economic growth has gradually become prominent. In order to change the current situation of widening income gap between urban and rural areas, the way out is to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, and the key to urbanization is the reform of rural land system. As an overall urban-rural comprehensive reform experimental area, Chongqing obtained the "first trial" right to explore the reform of rural land system through land ticket. The Chongqing Rural Land Exchange was established on December 4, 2008. Since then, the land ticket has been carried out in the whole city. On the basis of combing relevant literature and theory, this paper focuses on the impact of land ticket on the urban-rural income gap. In order to better understand how land ticket affects the urban-rural income gap, the paper firstly combs the current situation of land ticket and urban-rural income gap in Chongqing. It is concluded that there are six main mechanisms for land ticket to affect the income gap between urban and rural areas, among which the effects of rural land capitalization and differential land rent distribution are the direct influence mechanism, the aggregation effect of the growth pole, the diffusion effect of the growth pole and the transfer effect of labor force. The management effect of agricultural industrialization is the indirect influence mechanism through accelerating the urbanization process. Secondly, the author thinks that the influence of land ticket on urban-rural income gap is as follows: to promote rural residents' income increase, differential land rent redistribution, accelerate the process of urbanization, and so on. Combined with the analysis results, the influence of land ticket on urban-rural income gap is divided into three stages: the stage of land ticket expanding urban-rural income gap, the stage of land ticket narrowing urban-rural income gap, and the stage of land ticket not affecting the urban-rural income gap. Then based on the analysis of the theoretical impact of the case, the paper evaluates the actual effect of Chongqing land ticket on the urban-rural income gap. Chongqing practice shows that the land ticket provides funds for the development of rural non-agricultural economy and promotes the construction of new countryside. In order to reduce the income gap between urban and rural areas, but in order to curb the impact of land tickets on the real estate market prices, the government intervened in the price of land tickets to find the prices of rural construction land in a non-market manner, which is detrimental to the interests of farmers, and at the same time, On the one hand, Chongqing land ticket serves the reform of the household registration system in Chongqing. On the one hand, it alleviates the intensification of social contradictions such as "empty nest elderly" and "left-behind children". On the other hand, it lays the foundation for improving agricultural labor productivity. At the root, the income gap between urban and rural areas will be narrowed. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are drawn. Although the impact of short-term mainland tickets on the income gap between urban and rural areas is not significant or even widening, from a long-term point of view, land tickets can narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas. It is considered that the land ticket should achieve the expected effect of narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas, and its future development direction is to reform the land development right, and gradually explore the secondary market of the land ticket and the cross-regional allocation of the land ticket in the whole country.


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