

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-22 15:12

  本文選題:小區(qū)業(yè)主 + 業(yè)主權(quán)利; 參考:《長春工業(yè)大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著我國城鎮(zhèn)化進(jìn)程的加快,房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)逐漸炙手可熱,越來越多的居民購買了商品房組成了自己的小家庭。原有的散落的樓房也逐漸圍成了封閉的小區(qū),由物業(yè)服務(wù)企業(yè)提供專業(yè)的物業(yè)服務(wù),包括安保、保潔、供暖等服務(wù)一應(yīng)俱全。居民購買房屋所獲得的業(yè)主權(quán)利也越來越引起關(guān)注,業(yè)主與業(yè)主之間、業(yè)主與開發(fā)商之間、業(yè)主與物業(yè)服務(wù)公司之間的爭議問題也在實(shí)踐中層出不窮。業(yè)主如何維權(quán),已經(jīng)成為當(dāng)今社會(huì)中的熱點(diǎn)問題,倍受各界人士的關(guān)注。 本文分為五部分,對(duì)城市小區(qū)業(yè)主權(quán)利及其法律救濟(jì)問題進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)的研究。 第一部分,緒論。主要介紹了本文的選題背景、研究現(xiàn)狀、研究意義以及相關(guān)概念界定。本文認(rèn)為業(yè)主權(quán)利包括專有權(quán)和共有權(quán)部分,以及非物權(quán)的業(yè)主參與管理的成員權(quán)。按性質(zhì)分,業(yè)主權(quán)利屬于私法范圍內(nèi)的權(quán)利束。 第二部分分析了我國現(xiàn)有關(guān)于業(yè)主權(quán)利的法律規(guī)定。并通過研究業(yè)主權(quán)利在我國的現(xiàn)狀,分析現(xiàn)行法律的缺陷!段餀(quán)法》第70至72條對(duì)業(yè)主的建筑物區(qū)分所有權(quán)進(jìn)行了規(guī)定,明確了業(yè)主的專有部分與共有部分的權(quán)利與義務(wù)。第76條規(guī)定了業(yè)主參與業(yè)主大會(huì)與業(yè)主委員會(huì)的相關(guān)權(quán)利和義務(wù)!段飿I(yè)管理?xiàng)l例》規(guī)定業(yè)主在物業(yè)管理活動(dòng)中都應(yīng)享受以下具體權(quán)利:1.享受服務(wù)的權(quán)利;2.建議權(quán);3.投票權(quán);4.選舉權(quán);5.知情權(quán);6.監(jiān)督權(quán)。 第三部分研究了業(yè)主權(quán)利被侵犯的表現(xiàn)形式。其中物業(yè)企業(yè)對(duì)業(yè)主權(quán)利侵犯的表現(xiàn)形式包括:簽訂物業(yè)合同時(shí)的侵犯和物業(yè)合同履行期間侵犯業(yè)主的知情權(quán)。開發(fā)商對(duì)業(yè)主權(quán)利的侵犯的表現(xiàn)形式包括:1.質(zhì)量問題;2.開發(fā)商拖延辦理房屋產(chǎn)權(quán)證書;3.開發(fā)商不兌現(xiàn)承諾或擅自變更規(guī)劃。 第四部分對(duì)業(yè)主權(quán)利法律救濟(jì)進(jìn)行研究。當(dāng)事人在權(quán)利受到損害時(shí),可以通過權(quán)利救濟(jì)方式,恢復(fù)原來被損害的權(quán)利。業(yè)主權(quán)利的救濟(jì)方式主要包括民事訴訟和仲裁。業(yè)主權(quán)利的救濟(jì)體系包括專有權(quán)救濟(jì)體系、從屬權(quán)救濟(jì)體系、成員權(quán)救濟(jì)體系和業(yè)主共同利益救濟(jì)體系等幾個(gè)方面。 本文第五部分提出了完善我國業(yè)主權(quán)利法律保護(hù)制度的建議。首先應(yīng)明確建筑物專有部分的確定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及范圍;并在此基礎(chǔ)上完善業(yè)主自治權(quán)的運(yùn)行機(jī)構(gòu)和相關(guān)配套制度;最終通過規(guī)章制度的建立,明確物業(yè)服務(wù)企業(yè)的責(zé)任。 本文通過以上研究,對(duì)業(yè)主權(quán)利的概念、性質(zhì)、現(xiàn)有法律規(guī)定、救濟(jì)途徑和完善建議等進(jìn)行了闡述,期望通過對(duì)業(yè)主權(quán)利系統(tǒng)的研究,能夠使業(yè)主權(quán)利及維護(hù)業(yè)主權(quán)利的法律制度更全面具體,以滿足日益凸顯的業(yè)主維權(quán)糾紛對(duì)法律發(fā)展的需要。加強(qiáng)小區(qū)業(yè)主權(quán)利的法律保護(hù)與救濟(jì),對(duì)促進(jìn)城市小區(qū)建設(shè)、構(gòu)建和諧社會(huì)具有非常重要的意義。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization in our country, the real estate market is becoming more and more popular, and more and more residents have bought commercial houses to form their own small families. The original scattered buildings also gradually surrounded by a closed community, by the property service enterprises to provide professional property services, including security, cleaning, heating and other services. The owners' rights acquired by residents to buy houses have attracted more and more attention. The disputes between owners and owners, between owners and developers, and between owners and property service companies are also emerging in practice. How to protect the rights of owners has become a hot issue in the society, and has attracted the attention of people from all walks of life. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background, research status, research significance and definition of related concepts. This paper holds that the owner's right includes exclusive right and co-ownership part, as well as the non-real right owner's right to participate in management. According to nature, owner's rights belong to the rights bundles within the scope of private law. The second part analyzes the existing legal provisions on owners' rights in China. By studying the present situation of owner's rights in our country, this paper analyzes the defects of the current law. Articles 70 to 72 of the Real right Law stipulate the owners' differentiated ownership of buildings, and make clear the rights and obligations of the exclusive part and the common part of the owner. Article 76 stipulates the rights and obligations of the owner to participate in the owners' meeting and the owners' committee. The property Management regulations stipulate that the owner shall enjoy the following specific rights: 1 in the property management activities. The right to services. Suggestion right 3. The right to vote. The right to vote is 5. The right to know Supervisory power The third part studies the manifestation of the infringement of owner's rights. The forms of the property enterprises' infringement on the owners' rights include: the infringement of the property contract and the infringement of the owner's right to know during the performance of the property contract. The developer's violation of the owner's rights takes the form of 1: 1. Quality problem 2. Developers delay the processing of housing title certificate documents 3. Developers do not honour commitments or unauthorized changes in planning. The fourth part carries on the research to the owner right legal relief. When the rights are damaged, the parties may restore the damaged rights by right relief. The remedy of owner's right mainly includes civil action and arbitration. The relief system of owner's right includes exclusive right relief system, subordinate right relief system, member right relief system and owner's common interest relief system. The fifth part of this article puts forward the suggestion of perfecting the legal protection system of owner's rights in our country. First of all, we should define the standard and scope of the proprietary part of the building; and on this basis, improve the operation of the owner's autonomy and related supporting system; finally, through the establishment of rules and regulations, clear the responsibility of the property service enterprises. Based on the above research, this paper expounds the concept, nature, existing legal provisions, remedies and suggestions of the owners' rights, and looks forward to the study of the owners' rights system. It can make the legal system of owners' rights and the protection of owners' rights more comprehensive and specific, in order to meet the needs of the legal development of the increasingly prominent rights disputes of the owners. It is of great significance to strengthen the legal protection and relief of the owners' rights to promote the construction of urban residential areas and to build a harmonious society.


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