

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-20 14:31

  本文選題:省會(huì)城市 + 房地產(chǎn)業(yè) ; 參考:《山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As an important industry in the development of national economy, the real estate industry has made great achievements in the development of its own industry, at the same time, it has promoted the economic growth, increased the social employment opportunities, and played an important role in improving the livelihood of the people. Therefore, it is necessary to study the development level of real estate industry. Since the implementation of the central rising strategy in 2004, the development of the real estate industry in the six provinces of central China has made great progress, but compared with the eastern coastal provinces, the strength of the real estate industry development is still relatively weak, and there are obvious differences in the development situation of the real estate industry in the six provinces. This paper compares the development level of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals in order to provide feasible suggestions for the development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals and to promote the sustained and healthy development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals. Based on the method of literature analysis and systematic research, this paper selects 20 indexes around the development of real estate, the construction of commercial housing, the sale of commercial housing, the management of real estate enterprises and the scale of real estate industry. This paper constructs the evaluation index system of the development level of the real estate industry, and selects the secondary index, and compares and analyzes the present situation of the development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals. In order to comprehensively evaluate the development level of real estate industry in six provincial capitals, using the average of the five year data of six provincial capitals from 2010 to 2014 to construct the original index data matrix, the entropy method is used to carry on the empirical research. The comprehensive scores and index scores of the development level of the real estate industry in six cities are calculated, and the comprehensive ranking is obtained: the real estate industry development level of Zhengzhou is the highest, Changsha is the second, and the real estate development level of Hefei and Wuhan is in the middle level. Taiyuan City and Nanchang City ranked fifth and sixth, respectively. Only from the level of comprehensive ranking can not reflect the six cities real estate development of the specific differences. Therefore, this paper further analyzes the scores of the first and second class indexes of the six provincial capitals, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals. Combined with the development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals of central China, this paper summarizes the common and individual problems in the development of the real estate industry in the six provincial capitals, aiming at the common problems. Five suggestions are put forward from the government level to strengthen the industrial policy guidance, optimize the industrial internal structure, promote the industrial upgrading, construct the diversified financing system and perfect the early-warning, forecast and monitoring system, and put forward five suggestions from the enterprise level to enhance the overall situation consciousness of the enterprise. This paper puts forward three suggestions on strengthening the management of enterprises and establishing the consciousness of fine goods in real estate industry, and puts forward some suggestions from the angle of promoting the advantages and complementing the inferiority in view of the personality problems. This paper classifies the research object into the scope of the city, and not limited to the administrative division of the same province, but takes the provincial capitals of the six provinces with comparable economic development level as the research object, which has practical significance and guiding significance. Secondly, the selection of indicators in this paper mostly used relative indicators, enhance comparability, more fully reflect the development level of regional real estate differences.


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