

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-19 23:41

  本文選題:廣州國(guó)際金融城 + 系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法; 參考:《江西理工大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前國(guó)內(nèi)大部分地產(chǎn)開發(fā)項(xiàng)目的可行性研究主要關(guān)注項(xiàng)目是否盈利,但是開發(fā)過程中的其他的因素可能不重視或者考慮不全面,這就導(dǎo)致了可行性研究多數(shù)較為片面,同時(shí)又由于地產(chǎn)項(xiàng)目開發(fā)周期一般較長(zhǎng),這樣就可能使得開發(fā)企業(yè)在開發(fā)項(xiàng)目的過程中遇到可行性研究不曾考慮的問題,最終導(dǎo)致項(xiàng)目虧損。因此本文創(chuàng)新性的將系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法運(yùn)用于寫字樓項(xiàng)目的可行性研究中,并以金融城項(xiàng)目為實(shí)例進(jìn)行探討,從系統(tǒng)方案的評(píng)價(jià)項(xiàng)目的指標(biāo)體系、目標(biāo)體系和約束、技術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)評(píng)價(jià)、綜合評(píng)價(jià)等方面對(duì)項(xiàng)目可行性研究進(jìn)行分析,并得出了以下成果: (1)通過評(píng)價(jià)項(xiàng)目的指標(biāo)體系,本文構(gòu)建了金融城項(xiàng)目的各類前期指標(biāo),該方法可以更好的得出項(xiàng)目可行性研究的約束條件,為研究方向做好鋪墊條件; (2)通過系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)評(píng)價(jià),可以得出金融城項(xiàng)目稅后凈利潤(rùn)50,255萬元,銷售凈利潤(rùn)能達(dá)到12.16%,最終再整體資金流平衡的情況下,能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)11%銷售凈利潤(rùn)的目標(biāo),因此項(xiàng)目收益情況良好; (3)由于金融城項(xiàng)目為寫字樓項(xiàng)目,本文對(duì)廣州寫字樓市場(chǎng)作出了較為詳細(xì)的分析,由于廣州市“十二五”規(guī)劃中提出強(qiáng)化金融產(chǎn)業(yè)的概念,同時(shí)本文也預(yù)估到2016年廣州市的寫字樓需求將會(huì)有180萬~200萬平米的增長(zhǎng),金融城項(xiàng)目的未來的市場(chǎng)情況良好。 (4)通過系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法的綜合評(píng)價(jià),可以發(fā)現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法能夠全面地考慮金融城項(xiàng)目各類評(píng)價(jià)要素,,得出較為準(zhǔn)確的可行性研究結(jié)論,能夠在開發(fā)前期就了解清楚項(xiàng)目。 本文是在現(xiàn)有房地產(chǎn)可行性理論研究系統(tǒng)總結(jié)的基礎(chǔ)上運(yùn)用系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià)法進(jìn)行創(chuàng)新性的研究,旨在對(duì)寫字樓項(xiàng)目可行性進(jìn)一步的研究,同時(shí)本項(xiàng)目的研究思路與方法可為房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)類似的寫字樓項(xiàng)目投資決策提供參考,也為可行性研究的操作方向提出了新的操作方向。
[Abstract]:At present, the feasibility studies of most real estate development projects in China are mainly concerned about whether the projects are profitable, but other factors in the development process may not be taken seriously or considered comprehensively, which leads to the fact that most of the feasibility studies are one-sided. At the same time, because the real estate project development cycle is generally long, it may make the development enterprise encounter the problem that the feasibility study did not consider in the process of the development project, and finally lead to the project loss. Therefore, this paper innovatively applies the system evaluation method to the feasibility study of the office building project, and takes the City project as an example to discuss the index system, the target system and the constraint, the technical and economic evaluation of the evaluation project of the system scheme. The feasibility study of the project is analyzed in the aspects of comprehensive evaluation, and the following results are obtained: 1) by evaluating the index system of the project, this paper constructs all kinds of pre-stage indexes of the City project, this method can better obtain the constraint conditions of the project feasibility study, and lay the groundwork for the research direction; 2) through the technical and economic evaluation of the system evaluation method, we can get that the net profit after tax of the City project is 502.55 million yuan, the net profit of sales can reach 12.16%, and finally, if the overall capital flow is balanced, the target of 11% net profit of sales can be achieved. Therefore, the project income is in good condition; 3) since the City Project is an office building project, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the office building market in Guangzhou. As the concept of strengthening the financial industry is put forward in the 12th Five-Year Plan of Guangzhou, At the same time, this paper also estimates that the demand for office space in Guangzhou will grow by 1.8 million to 2 million square meters in 2016, and the future market of the City project will be in good condition. 4) through the comprehensive evaluation of the system evaluation method, it can be found that the system evaluation method can comprehensively consider all kinds of evaluation elements of the City project, draw more accurate conclusions of feasibility study, and understand the project clearly in the early stage of development. This paper is based on the existing theoretical research on the feasibility of real estate on the basis of a systematic evaluation of innovative research, aimed at the office project feasibility of further research, At the same time, the research ideas and methods of this project can provide a reference for the investment decision of similar office projects in real estate enterprises, and also provide a new operational direction for the operational direction of feasibility study.


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