

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-12 11:30
【摘要】:個(gè)人長期壽險(xiǎn)保單是壽險(xiǎn)公司最穩(wěn)定的現(xiàn)金流與利潤來源。目前我國此類保單主要是通過保險(xiǎn)營銷員進(jìn)行銷售。然而,由于營銷員準(zhǔn)入門檻低,行業(yè)當(dāng)前呈現(xiàn)新增營銷員數(shù)量大、素質(zhì)低、高離職率、低產(chǎn)能的特征;由于保險(xiǎn)營銷員簽訂的是代理合同,采用無底薪傭金制,產(chǎn)能低下將直接導(dǎo)致營銷員的高離職率,而培訓(xùn)是影響營銷員產(chǎn)能的關(guān)鍵因素之一,培訓(xùn)缺失還易引起銷售誤導(dǎo)與糾紛,影響售后服務(wù)質(zhì)量,造成客戶不滿、投訴增加及續(xù)保率下降,并引發(fā)監(jiān)管風(fēng)險(xiǎn),這不僅會(huì)影響到行業(yè)形象,阻礙行業(yè)持續(xù)健康發(fā)展,也會(huì)降低保險(xiǎn)公司的盈利能力。如何通過培訓(xùn)體系的優(yōu)化提高培訓(xùn)的有效性,提升壽險(xiǎn)公司的盈利能力值得研究。 本文將就此問題從四個(gè)方面進(jìn)行研究與探討:第一部分為緒論,介紹選題的研究背景和意義,國內(nèi)外主要理論和相關(guān)研究,研究對象和方法,研究思路及框架,本文的主要貢獻(xiàn);第二部分為人壽保險(xiǎn)公司營銷員培訓(xùn)體系的基本分析,通過闡述教育生產(chǎn)理論進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)經(jīng)濟(jì)效益研究,論證營銷員培訓(xùn)、人力發(fā)展與公司利潤的關(guān)系,并在此基礎(chǔ)上分析培訓(xùn)體系的系統(tǒng)運(yùn)作模式如何產(chǎn)生培訓(xùn)效能。第三部分以GS人壽保險(xiǎn)公司的實(shí)際培訓(xùn)項(xiàng)目為案例進(jìn)行實(shí)證研究,,以建立模型為主要分析工具和技術(shù)的經(jīng)濟(jì)分析方法,對培訓(xùn)效能進(jìn)行定量分析,具體分析了營銷員的培訓(xùn)、留存率、產(chǎn)能三者之間的關(guān)系,證明了通過培訓(xùn)投入及培訓(xùn)體系優(yōu)化,能提高營銷員的產(chǎn)能與留存率,提升公司的盈利能力。第四部分是研究所選取的GS人壽保險(xiǎn)公司培訓(xùn)體系現(xiàn)狀,分析存在的問題并提出對應(yīng)的解決措施,形成GS人壽保險(xiǎn)公司培訓(xùn)體系優(yōu)化方案,以提升營銷員產(chǎn)能及公司利潤。 本文理論部分主要參考保險(xiǎn)、管理、教育、培訓(xùn)、經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)、人力資源等方面的書籍以及國內(nèi)外保險(xiǎn)研究類、經(jīng)濟(jì)類、管理學(xué)類報(bào)刊雜志。部分論點(diǎn)是本人多年從事保險(xiǎn)營銷管理工作的心得體會(huì)。采用理論研究與實(shí)證分析相結(jié)合、統(tǒng)計(jì)檢驗(yàn)、比較分析等方法,說明培訓(xùn)對GS人壽保險(xiǎn)公司盈利能力的影響,并提出GS人壽保險(xiǎn)公司培訓(xùn)體系的優(yōu)化方案。
[Abstract]:Individual long-term life insurance policy is the most stable cash flow and profit source for life insurance companies. At present, this kind of insurance policy is mainly sold through insurance marketers. However, because of the low entry threshold of marketers, the industry presents the characteristics of large number of new marketers, low quality, high turnover rate and low production capacity; Because insurance marketers sign agency contracts and adopt a commission system without base pay, low production capacity will directly lead to a high turnover rate of marketers, and training is one of the key factors affecting marketers' production capacity. Lack of training can also easily lead to misguided sales and disputes, affect the quality of after-sales service, cause customer dissatisfaction, increase complaints and reduce the rate of renewal, and lead to regulatory risks, which will not only affect the image of the industry, hinder the sustainable and healthy development of the industry. It also reduces the profitability of insurance companies. How to improve the effectiveness of training and improve the profitability of life insurance companies through the optimization of training system is worth studying. This paper will study and discuss this question from four aspects: the first part is the introduction, introduces the research background and significance of the topic, the main theories and related research at home and abroad, the research object and method, the research thought and the frame, The main contribution of this paper; The second part is the basic analysis of the training system of marketers in life insurance companies. By expounding the theory of education and production to study the economic benefits of training, the relationship between the training of marketers, the development of human resources and the profits of the company is demonstrated. On this basis, it analyzes how the system operation mode of training system produces training efficiency. The third part takes the actual training project of GS life insurance company as a case study, taking the model as the main analysis tool and the technical economic analysis method, carries on the quantitative analysis to the training effectiveness, has analyzed concretely the marketing member's training. The relationship between retention rate and production capacity proves that training input and training system optimization can improve the productivity and retention rate of marketers and enhance the profitability of the company. The fourth part is the present situation of GS life insurance company training system selected by the research institute, analyzes the existing problems and puts forward the corresponding solutions, and forms the optimized scheme of GS life insurance company training system, in order to enhance the marketer capacity and the company profit. The theoretical part of this paper mainly refers to insurance, management, education, training, economics, human resources and other aspects of the books, as well as domestic and foreign insurance research, economics, management newspapers and magazines. Part of the argument is that I have been engaged in insurance marketing management experience. With the combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis, statistical test, comparative analysis and other methods, this paper explains the influence of training on the profitability of GS life insurance company, and puts forward the optimization scheme of GS life insurance company training system.


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