
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 經(jīng)濟(jì)論文 > 保險論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-12-11 21:38
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's economy and society, the people's demands for a healthy personal life are increasing. However, the coverage and security level of the existing basic medical insurance are relatively limited in our country. For the people suffering from major diseases, they often have to bear a large proportion of medical expenses, and the phenomenon of poverty and return to poverty occur from time to time. This runs counter to the overall plan of solving the poverty problem and building a well-off society in an all-round way by 2020. In this context, in 2012, China began to comprehensively promote the serious illness insurance system related to the construction, has been in all provinces and municipalities in the country to pilot, and some areas have been fully spread out the relevant work. However, in practice, there are many problems in the lack of theoretical guidance, which need to be solved as soon as possible. Based on the above reasons, this paper has carried on the comprehensive research to our country's serious illness insurance system: firstly, has combed the existing related literature; On this basis, the basic medical security system and the concept of serious illness in China are defined, and the insurance system of our country is discussed from five aspects: the operating mode, the financing mechanism, the level of security, the way of underwriting, the supervision and control. This paper focuses on the use of quasi-public product theory, welfare pluralism theory, public outsourcing theory and public choice theory to analyze the economic attributes of China's serious illness insurance system. Then it introduces the background and effect of the serious illness insurance system in China (Zhanjiang City, Taicang City and Xiamen City), and analyzes its advantages and disadvantages from the aspects of policy formulation, financing method and guarantee effect. Then the foreign medical insurance model is divided into social medical insurance model, national health insurance model, savings medical insurance model and commercial medical insurance model, which are represented by Germany, Britain, Singapore and the United States. Analyze its operation mode, advantages and disadvantages; Finally, six policy suggestions are put forward to perfect our country's serious illness insurance system, which are to establish a multi-channel dynamic financing mechanism, to construct a platform of information service for serious illness insurance, and to perfect the mechanism of government and enterprise risk sharing. We will speed up the reform process in the field of medicine and health care and enhance the awareness of prevention and health care among the residents.


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