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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-23 12:06

  本文選題:平安財險 + 車險理賠 ; 參考:《廣西大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:平安財險江西分公司自2003年建立以來,在十年的時間里取得了驕人成績,在車險領(lǐng)域一躍成為江西最具社會影響力的企業(yè)之一。 筆者在多年的基層保險工作實踐中,在感受平安財險飛速發(fā)展的同時,也觀察到其在車險經(jīng)營過程中有不少不足之處。通過實際觀察和內(nèi)部統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)分析,筆者發(fā)現(xiàn)該公司車險運作仍舊存在許多問題,團(tuán)隊的整體工作氛圍偏于緊張,對員工的人文關(guān)懷不夠,在工作中還偶爾出現(xiàn)規(guī)章制度落實不力的現(xiàn)象。部門的整體狀況與其他業(yè)內(nèi)優(yōu)秀團(tuán)隊相比,還有一定差距。造成這一結(jié)果的原因主要在于部門管理層的功利思想過重,不重視對先進(jìn)公司文化和經(jīng)營理念的構(gòu)建,在部門的實際運作中也缺乏高效穩(wěn)健的運營機(jī)制,此外,在員工薪酬待遇等等方面也存在不合理之處。 基于此,筆者結(jié)合國內(nèi)外先進(jìn)保險理賠經(jīng)驗,對該公司車險部的管理工作提出針對性的改進(jìn)意見。首先在企業(yè)經(jīng)營理念方面,應(yīng)該學(xué)習(xí)借鑒國外先進(jìn)車險理賠經(jīng)驗,如美國車險業(yè)一直倡導(dǎo)的自由與競爭思想、英國車險業(yè)堅持的科學(xué)及嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)理念和日本保險業(yè)的社會服務(wù)意識等,用先進(jìn)的思想引領(lǐng)企業(yè)的發(fā)展;其次,在企業(yè)的具體運作方面,應(yīng)該向國內(nèi)其他優(yōu)秀保險公司學(xué)習(xí),努力構(gòu)建一支素質(zhì)較高、專業(yè)過硬的學(xué)者型管理隊伍,為企業(yè)制定穩(wěn)健而長效的發(fā)展機(jī)制,以及改進(jìn)公司的理賠服務(wù)水平等,以提高企業(yè)在行業(yè)內(nèi)的綜合競爭力。 在具體政策制定上,應(yīng)該有針對性地著眼于提升員工整體素質(zhì)、優(yōu)化企業(yè)管理體制、提高員工工作效率、加強(qiáng)企業(yè)管理層社會服務(wù)意識以及構(gòu)建符合企業(yè)實際需求的公司文化等方面。同時要有意識地調(diào)整和改善普通員工與企業(yè)管理層之間的關(guān)系,防止不良風(fēng)氣的沾染,努力構(gòu)建一個和諧溫馨的理賠工作團(tuán)隊。
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of Pingan property Insurance Jiangxi Branch in 2003, it has made remarkable achievements in ten years, and has become one of the most influential enterprises in Jiangxi Province in the field of auto insurance. In the practice of grass-roots insurance for many years, the author observes that there are many deficiencies in the process of vehicle insurance management while experiencing the rapid development of Ping an property insurance. Through actual observation and analysis of internal statistical data, the author finds that there are still many problems in the operation of auto insurance in this company, the overall working atmosphere of the team is on the side of tension, and the humanistic care for employees is not enough. In the work also occasionally appear the phenomenon of weak implementation of the rules and regulations. The overall situation of the department and other excellent teams in the industry, there is a certain gap. The main reasons for this result lie in the excessive utilitarian thinking of the department management, the neglect of the construction of advanced company culture and business philosophy, and the lack of efficient and stable operation mechanism in the actual operation of the department. In employee salary treatment and so on aspect also has the unreasonable place. Based on this, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the management of auto insurance department based on the experience of advanced insurance claims at home and abroad. First of all, in terms of business philosophy, we should learn from the experience of foreign advanced auto insurance claims, such as the idea of freedom and competition that the American auto insurance industry has been advocating all the time. The British auto insurance industry adheres to scientific and rigorous concepts and the social service consciousness of the Japanese insurance industry, and so on, leading the development of enterprises with advanced ideas. Secondly, in terms of the specific operation of the enterprises, we should learn from other excellent domestic insurance companies. In order to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in the industry, we should try to build a high-quality, professional and excellent management team of the scholarly, formulate a steady and long-term development mechanism for enterprises, and improve the service level of claims. With regard to the formulation of specific policies, we should aim at improving the overall quality of employees, optimizing the management system of enterprises, and improving the work efficiency of employees. Strengthen the social service consciousness of the management and construct the corporate culture which meets the actual needs of the enterprise. At the same time, we should consciously adjust and improve the relationship between the common employees and the management of the enterprise, prevent the bad atmosphere from being contaminated, and strive to build a harmonious and warm claim settlement team.


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