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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-10 12:23

  本文選題:幼兒教師 + 學(xué)習(xí)品質(zhì) ; 參考:《四川師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Abstract: the importance of learning quality and its value to children's learning and development have been recognized by more and more scholars since the Ministry of Education issued a guide for the study and development of children aged 3-6 years.Most studies have focused on how to support and develop children's learning quality to promote their learning and development.The author thinks that it is only on the basis of the recognition of learning quality that the child teachers can provide better support for children. The purpose of this study is to explore the ability of early childhood teachers to recognize learning quality.In the study, the video interview method was used to clip the video into 15 minutes and contain as many learning qualities as possible. Together with the graduate students and the first-line preschool teachers, we determined the learning quality included in the video.Two or three kindergartens were selected in the first, second, third and non-grade kindergartens in Chengdu, and 5-6 preschool teachers in each kindergarten were interviewed based on video.The recording materials of 63 teachers were sorted out and the learning qualities described by teachers were summarized. On the basis of comparison and analysis, it was found that preschool teachers had certain recognition ability.Different garden level, teaching years, academic qualifications and whether the evaluation of professional titles have a certain impact on teachers' learning quality.The research mainly analyzes the number and content of teachers' identifying learning quality.First, the number of teachers' recognition of learning quality is generally small. Most teachers focus on identifying 2, 3 and 4 learning qualities, among which the most teachers identify 2 learning qualities.There are specific differences in other dimensions (garden level, teaching age, professional title, educational background).The number of recognition per teacher in the first grade garden is higher than that in the second, the third level garden and the non-grade kindergarten, the number of teachers who have been working for 6-10 years is higher than that of the teachers of other teaching years, the number of teachers with professional titles is higher than that of the teachers without professional title.The higher the educational background, the more the number of the teachers who identify the learning quality, among them, the number of the teachers who have the graduate degree is the most, and the teacher with the technical secondary school degree is the least.Teachers with college and undergraduate degrees are in the middle and there is little difference between them.Second, there is imbalance in the recognition of learning quality.The most recognized are creativity and imagination, conscientiousness and concentration, trial and exploration, persistence, initiative, while interest, reflection, problem solving, happiness and habits are less.Teachers in each dimension identify imbalance in the content of learning quality, and the same learning quality is different in different latitudes.There are differences in the number and content of preschool teachers' learning quality.The author believes that the following three aspects affect teachers' ability to identify: first, teachers' differences in garden level, teaching years, professional titles and academic qualifications; second, teachers' understanding of learning quality includes concept, importance and so on; third,Teachers' attitude towards children and teachers' own professional accomplishment, whether teachers are willing to discover and cultivate children's learning quality, whether they have the ability to observe, identify and cultivate children's learning quality.Therefore, we should strengthen teachers' training, enhance teachers' understanding of learning quality, improve teachers' professional quality and improve teachers' ability to recognize learning quality.


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