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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-14 11:28
【摘要】:在社會競爭日益激烈的21世紀(jì),人才的儲備已逐漸成為社會各行業(yè)生存與發(fā)展的關(guān)鍵。因此,世界各國也將人才的培養(yǎng)放到了教育的核心位置。中等職業(yè)學(xué)校作為我國職業(yè)教育的實施者之一,為社會培養(yǎng)了大批服務(wù)在生產(chǎn)、管理第一線的具備相應(yīng)綜合職業(yè)能力的高素質(zhì)技能型人才。在中職學(xué)校,專業(yè)社會實踐活動作為學(xué)生專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)的一種有效教育方式,不僅能夠鞏固學(xué)生的專業(yè)知識、提升學(xué)生專業(yè)能力,還能引導(dǎo)學(xué)生將已有的理論知識在社會中進(jìn)行實踐,從而提高學(xué)生對專業(yè)知識的綜合運(yùn)用能力,鍛煉學(xué)生的應(yīng)變能力、社會交往能力。多年來,中等職業(yè)學(xué)校雖然一直致力于開展各類社會實踐活動,但卻沒能將社會實踐活動與專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)很好的結(jié)合起來。本研究將就這一問題進(jìn)行調(diào)查分析,查找其存在的問題并找出原因,尋求對策,使專業(yè)社會實踐能夠真正成為學(xué)生鞏固專業(yè)知識、提升綜合職業(yè)能力的有效教育方式。 本研究主要分為五部分: 第一部分,緒論。作為研究的起點,對問題提出的背景,國內(nèi)外相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)的情況、研究的理論意義和實踐價值、研究的思路與方法進(jìn)行了概括,界定了研究的相關(guān)概念。 第二部分,中等職業(yè)學(xué)校學(xué)生專業(yè)社會實踐活動的現(xiàn)狀調(diào)查分析。本研究采用自編問卷,,對中職學(xué)生參與專業(yè)社會實踐的程度、內(nèi)容、途徑、組織管理、實施效果等方面做了充分調(diào)查,并對調(diào)查結(jié)果進(jìn)行分析,最終得出結(jié)論。 第三部分,中等職業(yè)學(xué)校專業(yè)社會實踐存活動存在的問題及產(chǎn)生的原因;诘诙糠值恼{(diào)查結(jié)論,從多個角度對當(dāng)前中職學(xué)校專業(yè)實踐活動進(jìn)行了分析,歸納其存在的問題,并尋找分析原因。 第四部分,中職學(xué)校學(xué)生專業(yè)社會實踐活動的實施對策。結(jié)合第三部分提出的問題,從社會、學(xué)校、學(xué)生三方面闡述了改革、創(chuàng)新專業(yè)社會實踐活動的具體措施和建議,以期為專業(yè)社會實踐的開展提供參考。 第五部分,結(jié)論。對本次研究的過程、研究的結(jié)論進(jìn)行了總結(jié),分析了研究中存在的不足,并對今后的研究方向進(jìn)行了展望。
[Abstract]:In the 21st century, social competition is increasingly fierce, the talent reserve has gradually become the key to the survival and development of various sectors of society. Therefore, countries all over the world also put the cultivation of talents in the core of education. As one of the implementers of vocational education in our country, the secondary vocational school has trained a large number of high quality skilled talents with the corresponding comprehensive vocational ability to serve the society in production and management. In secondary vocational schools, as an effective education method for students' professional learning, professional social practice activities can not only consolidate students' professional knowledge, but also enhance students' professional ability. It can also guide students to carry out practice of existing theoretical knowledge in society, so as to improve students' comprehensive application of professional knowledge, to train students' ability to adapt to the situation and to interact with the society. Over the years, secondary vocational schools have been committed to carrying out all kinds of social practice activities, but they have not been able to combine social practice activities with professional learning very well. This study will investigate and analyze the problem, find out the existing problems, find out the reasons, and find out the countermeasures, so that the professional social practice can become an effective way for students to consolidate their professional knowledge and improve their comprehensive vocational ability. This research is divided into five parts: the first part, introduction. As the starting point of the research, this paper summarizes the background of the problem, the situation of the relevant literature at home and abroad, the theoretical significance and practical value of the research, the ideas and methods of the research, and defines the relevant concepts of the research. The second part, the secondary vocational school student specialized social practice present situation investigation and analysis. This study makes a full investigation on the degree, content, approach, organization and management of the students' participation in the professional social practice, and analyzes the results of the investigation, and finally draws a conclusion. The third part, the problems and causes of professional social practice in secondary vocational schools. Based on the investigation conclusions of the second part, this paper analyzes the current professional practice activities in secondary vocational schools from several angles, sums up the existing problems and finds out the causes. The fourth part, the implementation countermeasure of students' professional social practice in secondary vocational school. Combined with the problems raised in the third part, this paper expounds the concrete measures and suggestions for the reform and innovation of professional social practice from three aspects of society, school and students, in order to provide reference for the development of professional social practice. The fifth part, conclusion. The conclusions of this study are summarized, the shortcomings of the research are analyzed, and the future research directions are prospected.


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