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  本文選題:小學(xué)生 + 批判性思維; 參考:《上海師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:批判性思維是創(chuàng)新的前提,是思維能力的重要組成部分,它在學(xué)習(xí)、研究和工作中發(fā)揮著極其重要的作用,已成為全世界學(xué)校教育的一個重要課題。我國在教育教學(xué)實踐中也進行了積極的探索。其中關(guān)于小學(xué)生批判性思維的研究是一個相對薄弱的領(lǐng)域。批判性思維作為一種思維方式應(yīng)該從小開始培養(yǎng),逐漸內(nèi)化,使個體形成持久的內(nèi)在習(xí)慣,并引導(dǎo)其未來的行為。合作感是一種愿意與他人合作的情感。它是情感素質(zhì)體系中人際情感下屬的一種具體情感。在當(dāng)今全球合作的背景下,合作感的發(fā)展對于學(xué)生的人際交往,學(xué)習(xí)生活,身心健康,社會適應(yīng)都有著不可忽視的影響。然而調(diào)查表明我國青少年的合作感水平還較低,所以深入開展對青少年合作感的研究不僅能夠豐富青少年情感素質(zhì)的研究,也有一定的現(xiàn)實意義;陧椖康膶W(xué)習(xí)(PBL)是以小組合作的形式進行學(xué)習(xí)。學(xué)生在解決真實問題的過程中學(xué)習(xí)知識和技能。在國外的中小學(xué)教學(xué)中得到廣泛的應(yīng)用,相關(guān)研究表明它能夠促進學(xué)生合作,并利于激發(fā)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)造力和邏輯思維能力。但它是否適用于我國,其有效性如何值得探討。目前,信息科技課程倡導(dǎo)通過開展與學(xué)生生活緊密相關(guān)的項目學(xué)習(xí)活動,發(fā)展學(xué)生的批判性思維和創(chuàng)造性思維,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生解決真實、開放問題的能力。本文正是從信息科技教學(xué)的現(xiàn)狀出發(fā),探討在信息科技課程中開展項目合作學(xué)習(xí)對小學(xué)生批判性思維和合作感提升的可能性。本研究在查閱文獻(xiàn)和訪談?wù){(diào)查的基礎(chǔ)上對加利福尼亞批判性思維傾向問卷(the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory test,CCTDI)的中文修訂版CTDI-CV問卷(彭美慈等,2004)進行適當(dāng)調(diào)整,并運用該問卷和青少年合作感問卷進行了調(diào)查研究,同時通過教學(xué)實踐考察開展項目合作學(xué)習(xí)、自選式同伴合作小組等教學(xué)策略對小學(xué)生批判性思維傾向、合作感的影響。探索培養(yǎng)學(xué)生批判性思維傾向、提升合作感的教育策略和方法。本研究得出以下結(jié)論:(1)在修訂《加利福尼亞批判性思維傾向問卷》的基礎(chǔ)上形成的《小學(xué)生批判性思維傾向問卷》具有較好的信效度,可用于測量小學(xué)生的批判性思維傾向。(2)被調(diào)查的小學(xué)生批判性思維傾向處于中等水平仍需加強;在自信心、求知欲和認(rèn)知成熟度三個維度上男女生差異顯著:男生在自信心和求知欲上得分高,女生在認(rèn)知成熟度上得分高。(3)小學(xué)生合作感有很大提升空間,性別差異不顯著。(4)項目合作學(xué)習(xí)對小學(xué)生批判性思維傾向有積極正向的作用,是有效培養(yǎng)批判性思維傾向的一種教學(xué)方式。(5)項目合作學(xué)習(xí)對小學(xué)生合作感有積極正向的作用,有效培養(yǎng)合作感的一種教學(xué)方式。(6)在項目合作學(xué)習(xí)中采用自選式或非自選式這兩種分組方式,對培養(yǎng)小學(xué)生批判性思維傾向和合作感并無顯著差異。
[Abstract]:Critical thinking is the premise of innovation and an important component of thinking ability. It plays an extremely important role in learning, research and work, and has become an important subject in school education all over the world. Our country has also carried on the active exploration in the educational teaching practice. Among them, the research on the critical thinking of primary school students is a relatively weak field. As a mode of thinking, critical thinking should be cultivated and internalized from an early age so that individuals can form lasting internal habits and guide their future behavior. A sense of cooperation is an emotion that is willing to cooperate with others. It is a specific emotion of interpersonal emotional subordinates in the system of emotional quality. Under the background of global cooperation, the development of cooperative sense has an important influence on students' interpersonal communication, study life, physical and mental health, and social adaptation. However, the investigation shows that the level of adolescents' cooperative sense is still low, so it is not only rich in the study of adolescents' emotional quality, but also has certain practical significance. Project-based learning (PBL) is done in the form of group collaboration. Students learn knowledge and skills in solving real problems. It has been widely used in primary and secondary school teaching abroad. Relevant studies show that it can promote students' cooperation and stimulate students' creativity and logical thinking ability. However, whether it is applicable to our country and how its effectiveness is worth discussing. At present, the information technology curriculum advocates the development of critical and creative thinking through the development of project learning activities closely related to the life of students, so as to cultivate students' ability to solve real and open problems. Based on the present situation of information technology teaching, this paper discusses the possibility of carrying out project cooperative learning in information technology courses to enhance the students' critical thinking and sense of cooperation. On the basis of literature review and interview survey, this study adjusted the California critical thinking disposition questionnaire with the revised Chinese version of the CTDI-CV questionnaire of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory test (Pengmets et al. 2004). The research is carried out by using the questionnaire and the questionnaire of adolescents' sense of cooperation. At the same time, the effects of teaching strategies such as project cooperative learning and self-selected peer cooperative group on the students' critical thinking tendency and cooperative feeling are investigated. To explore educational strategies and methods to cultivate students' critical thinking tendency and enhance their sense of cooperation. In this study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) based on the revision of the California critical thinking disposition questionnaire, the "critical thinking disposition questionnaire for Primary School students" has a good reliability and validity. The critical thinking tendency of the primary school students surveyed is still at the middle level; the self-confidence of the primary school students is higher than that of the primary school students, and the critical thinking tendency can be used to measure the critical thinking tendency of the primary school students. There were significant differences between male and female students in three dimensions: male students scored high on self-confidence and desire for knowledge, girls scored high scores on cognitive maturity. 3) there was great room for improvement of students' sense of cooperation. There is no significant gender difference. 4) the cooperative learning has a positive effect on the pupils' critical thinking tendency, and is an effective teaching method to cultivate the critical thinking tendency.) the cooperative learning of the project has a positive effect on the pupils' cooperative feeling. There is no significant difference between self-selection and non-self-selection in project cooperative learning, and there is no significant difference in the cultivation of pupils' critical thinking tendency and cooperative sense.


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