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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 12:52

  本文選題:小學數(shù)學評價 + 多元化評價; 參考:《渤海大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing effect of the new curriculum reform of basic education in China, the evaluation appears to be dwarfed by the curriculum reform. In our primary school mathematics evaluation, there is a natural evaluation did not keep pace with the situation. This paper is mainly aimed at the in-depth research on the diversification evaluation strategy of primary school mathematics after the implementation of the new curriculum standard in the stage of basic education in China. Aiming at the existing problems of mathematics evaluation in some primary schools, this paper mainly takes the time order of evaluation as the division point of study, that is, summative evaluation, formative evaluation and real-time evaluation to explore the diversification of evaluation. This article mainly through the elementary school mathematics diversification appraisal related literature research, and unifies the general elementary school mathematics appraisal present situation data investigation, can have the certain degree understanding to the present elementary school mathematics appraisal way. Some problems in primary school mathematics evaluation under the new curriculum standard are found, and the application of primary school mathematics pluralistic evaluation is known. The first part of the paper is the introduction of the beginning part, mainly describes the basis of the topic, and quoted other scholars on the direction of mathematical evaluation research; The second part is the theoretical basis of the analysis and application of the academic nouns involved in this paper. The third part is the investigation of the mathematics evaluation of a primary school and the analysis of the results. In order to find out the current part of primary school mathematics evaluation and the new curriculum standards do not meet the requirements, and these problems in accordance with the evaluation of the time order to be classified and summarized; The fourth part is the problems and analysis of mathematics evaluation in primary schools. In the process of implementing the new curriculum obviously, the mathematics diversification evaluation can better train the outstanding talents under the guidance of the new curriculum standard. So that mathematics is no longer a tool subject in which students apply formulas in their hearts, but more students with rich mathematical thinking and mathematical consciousness can be cultivated through primary school mathematics.


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1 孫俊勇;小學生數(shù)學多元能力發(fā)展與評價研究[D];魯東大學;2011年





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