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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 05:09

  本文選題:少兒 + 習(xí)武興趣; 參考:《武漢體育學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Through the methods of literature, expert interview, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and teaching practice, this paper sums up the practical experience of children's martial arts teaching, and discusses how to improve children's interest in martial arts practice and keep children from practicing martial arts. Develop the martial arts course into the characteristic course of the primary school campus, put forward the teaching module of children's interest in martial arts, and carry on the research on the application effect of the teaching module, for the broad masses of coaches, teachers, students and those who care about the martial arts in the martial arts profession, To provide practical reference, we can draw the following conclusion: the Guanggu No. 2 Primary School and Guangbutun Primary School in Wuhan City have developed Wushu projects as their special projects for 3,4 years. The form of Wushu development in schools is the whole class and the interest classes of Wushu. The idea of improving the interest of children in martial arts performance class is to improve the interest of children as the main line and the theory of teaching as the theoretical guidance. The basic ideas of improving the interest teaching module of children's martial arts training are as follows: military morality first, students first, ability development, balanced coordination, basic principles: scientific principle, normative principle, developmental principle, etc. There are seven teaching modules to improve children's interest in martial arts, including: student plate, curriculum plate, teaching environment plate, teaching method plate, teaching evaluation plate, teaching aim plate, teacher plate. The teaching module of improving children's interest in martial arts training is the requirement of all aspects of teachers' teaching activities. Therefore, teachers' plate plays a leading role in improving children's interest in martial arts teaching, and teachers' plate is made up of professional ideas and ethics, professional knowledge, etc. Professional ability consists of three dimensions. (5) in the curriculum section, martial arts teaching contents which improve children's interest in martial arts mainly include zodiac boxing, five-step boxing of juvenile strong, martial arts games with changing hands, step-type consolidation exercises, pliable competitions and so on In the teaching method module, the reasonable use of camera and small speaker can arouse children's interest in learning martial arts to a great extent. The contents of each section are interspersed and interspersed, alternately, the teacher should choose reasonably in the practical application, and sum up the experience continuously. 6) through the result of teaching practice, we can see, Students who like martial arts teaching content have increased 16.30%, and children who like martial arts teaching content have increased to 49.10%. The interest of Wushu teaching content can effectively arouse children's interest in martial arts practice. 63.60% of the students like the assessment method of teachers, and 78.1% of the children think that the assessment method of teachers has a certain encouraging effect on them, and 78.1% of the children think that the effect of using music in Wushu is very novel. On the whole, after the teaching practice, the number of children who "like Wushu very much" increased 7.40, and the "like" increased from 47.30% to 54.50%.


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