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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 04:02

  本文選題:教師學(xué)習(xí) + 農(nóng)村小學(xué)教師學(xué)習(xí); 參考:《揚(yáng)州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rise and development of the concept of lifelong education, the construction of a learning society, the rising demand for education reform and innovation, the higher and higher demands on teachers, the professional development of teachers has attracted much attention in recent years. As the foundation and premise of promoting teachers' professional development, teachers' learning has also attracted great attention from the educational circles, especially on the disadvantaged groups of rural primary school teachers. Rural primary school teachers occupy most of the teacher group and are on the edge. In order to improve the overall quality of teachers, the development of rural primary school teachers training is not only important, but more important is the teacher learning which embodies the teacher's subjectivity. The study of rural primary school teachers should be supported by schools, which is the most basic guarantee to promote the professional development of rural primary school teachers. School support for rural primary school teachers learning refers to the rural primary schools in order to improve teachers' professional literacy, teacher-oriented, for teachers to provide all kinds of support and services. In this study, the teachers of five rural primary schools in Yancheng County B were taken as the research objects to study the school support of rural primary school teachers. The connotation of school support for rural primary school teachers' learning is clarified, and the relevant documents about teachers' learning and school support for rural primary school teachers' learning are sorted out by literature method. Using questionnaire survey and interview to support the system of rural primary school teachers' learning, the conditions of rural primary school teachers' learning, the content support of rural primary school teachers' learning, and the support of rural primary school teachers' learning activities. The psychological support of rural primary school teachers' learning and the evaluation support of rural primary school teachers' learning are investigated in six aspects. It is found that the main problems in rural primary school teachers' learning are as follows: the support of learning system is empty, and the support of learning conditions is insufficient. The main reasons for these problems are the weakening of the learning leadership of rural primary school principals, the partial theoretical guidance of learning content support, the lack of learning psychological support, the excessive utilitarianism of learning evaluation support, and so on. Rural primary school funding shortage, rural primary schools by the concept of utilitarian education long-term erosion. In view of the above problems and related studies, this paper puts forward the improvement strategies of the rural primary school teachers' school support from the following seven aspects: first, improve the learning system and feedback the effect of implementation; second, give play to the guiding role of system support; Increase input and integrate various learning resources in rural primary schools, enrich conditional support; third, integrate theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, construct a content support system of "integration of theory and practice"; fourth, pay attention to participatory management and strengthen the effectiveness of activity support; Fifth, rural primary school principals should be "appreciative leaders" to provide psychological support for teachers' learning; sixthly, build a reasonable learning evaluation system to adapt to the developmental principles of evaluation support; seventh, Learn from the relevant experiences of foreign rural teachers' school support.


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