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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 23:05

  本文選題:2013版小學英語教材 + 順應(yīng)理論 ; 參考:《寧波大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The ultimate goal of English teaching is to train students to communicate and express appropriately in real communication. On the basis of mastering all kinds of pragmatic rules and rules of English, students should have certain pragmatic competence, which is the key to reduce and avoid pragmatic failure and realize successful communication. Primary school is the key period for students to learn English and the starting point for cultivating students' pragmatic competence. It plays a decisive role in stimulating and maintaining students' subsequent English learning. The textbook is the main carrier of primary school students' learning English, and its arrangement affects the development of students' pragmatic consciousness and pragmatic competence. Based on Visorun's theory of adaptation, this paper introduces the contents and authoritative dictionaries of eight volumes of the 2013 edition of compulsory Education textbook Primary English (the beginning of Grade 3) published by the people's Education Publishing House. This paper makes a comparative study of the original English textbooks and focuses on the analysis of 25 pragmatic failures in the text. From this perspective, the study of pragmatic failure in the text of the textbook can help the textbook editors to improve the content of the textbook, at the same time, it is helpful for teachers to cultivate the students' awareness of correct pragmatic competence and to use the textbook creatively. Better grasp all kinds of communication norms in the background of western culture and deeply understand the social and cultural psychology of westerners, and then improve students' intercultural communicative competence. This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly analyzes the background, purpose and significance of the research on the text content of primary school English textbooks, and discusses the necessity of studying the pragmatic failure of the text content of the textbooks. The second chapter, by consulting and combing the relevant literature, establishes the theoretical framework of pragmatic failure in textbooks from the perspective of adaptation theory, and puts forward the research direction. The third chapter introduces the design of this research from three aspects: research problem, object and method. The fourth chapter elaborates the text content of the 2013 edition of 8 primary school English textbooks, from the theory of adaptation (language users, social world, social world), The physical world and the psychological world) respectively statistics the text content data which do not accord with the communicative competence structure in the textbook and analyze the performance of these pragmatic failures in detail. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the research and points out the limitations of the study. Chapter six gives some suggestions on the pragmatic aspects of primary school English textbooks and teachers' creative use of the textbooks.


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