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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 13:18

  本文選題:石家莊市 + 小學(xué)校園足球; 參考:《西安體育學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The current situation of the low level of football in our country has caused numerous experts and scholars to study. In many research achievements, there is an important influence factor that almost every researcher has mentioned, that is, the lack of the reserve talents for teenagers in our country, the poor development of football and the weak foundation of the mass football movement. Shijiazhuang city is the capital of Hebei province. It is the education, culture, sports center and sports center of Hebei province. It is one of the first batch of national campus football cities. The development of school football in Hebei province has a higher generation in Hebei province. The author, based on his own observation and understanding, investigates and analyses the present situation of the development of football in Shijiazhuang primary school campus on the basis of the visit and investigation, and finds out the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the primary school football in Shijiazhuang. And through the logical analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: first, the Shijiazhuang Sports Bureau And the Education Bureau attaches great importance to the Shijiazhuang primary school football sports, the primary school football sports organization and development is better, more events, large scale. At present, the development of Shijiazhuang primary school football sports presents a vigorous trend, the development trend is good. Two, Shijiazhuang primary school campus football infrastructure is better, but the area is small, The resources are not sufficient. The source of funds is mainly the appropriations of the Sports Bureau and the Education Bureau, the funds are well invested, which provide certain financial guarantee for the development of Shijiazhuang primary school campus football. Three, the training motivation of the primary school football players in Shijiazhuang is good and positive, but some students have poor results in their study and the contradiction of learning and training is outstanding. It is an important measure to ensure the smooth progress of the primary school football. Four, the age of the football coaches in Shijiazhuang primary school campus and the reasonable title structure are favorable for the continuous and healthy development of the football sports in Shijiazhuang primary school, but the professional football coaches are less and professional level. Not high; higher education but low scientific research ability, less training, strengthen professional coaches to introduce, improve scientific research ability and actively participate in training, it is beneficial to improve the overall professional ability and training level of Shijiazhuang primary school football coaches. Five, the majority of parents of primary school foot ball players in Shijiazhuang City have better family income and capital investment. Higher, more support students to participate in football training, support a good motivation. A small part of the parents are worried about their children's academic performance and study. Many parties cooperate to improve the performance of the athletes, and can better get the support of the parents. According to the research and analysis, the authors put forward the development of Shijiazhuang campus football. Suggestions: first, continue to increase the policies of the Municipal Sports Bureau and the Education Bureau, fund support, and expand the scope of support, comprehensively improve the initiative and initiative of the Shijiazhuang primary school campus football movement. Two, multiparty cooperation, not only improve the athletes' football knowledge and skills, but also strive to improve the level of athletes' cultural knowledge, not only to solve the sport of sports, but also to solve the movement. The future way of the staff also improves the support of the parents. Three, we should vigorously introduce professional football coaches, strengthen the professional knowledge and skills of the coaches, the ability of scientific research and the training of the referee level, and improve the overall professional ability and training level of the football coaches in Shijiazhuang primary school. Four, strengthen the media publicity and improve the public. The attention and support of the masses of the people to the campus football are raised. Five, strengthen the support of the parents, guide the parents to support the correct motivation, make the parents realize the important role of the football to the growth of the young people, and provide the powerful logistic support for the football training of the athletes.


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