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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 02:26

  本文選題:細節(jié)描寫 + 指導策略; 參考:《廣州大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The change of ideas will inevitably lead to great changes in teaching practice. Under the new curriculum reform, composition teaching is richer in content, more flexible in methods, and more emphasis on the cultivation of students' Chinese quality and the promotion of comprehensive ability. But there are many problems in composition teaching, especially the description is not specific and vivid. Description is one of the basic skills of writing, detail description is the most basic composition of description, vivid details can make the composition more vivid and touching. Based on teaching practice, this paper collects a large number of students' exercises, and explores them through literature research, questionnaire survey, action research and experience summarization. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, three chapters are divided into three chapters to explore the instruction of detail description in composition teaching in primary schools. The first part: the outline of the detail description, expounding the connotation, type and function of the detail description. The second part is an analysis of the current situation of detail description instruction in primary school writing teaching, pointing out that most primary school students still have some problems in the process of writing, such as impractical details and lack of real emotion, which are manifested in the following aspects: emphasis on description, neglect of description, often fiction, etc. Lack of truth; more imitation, less novelty, etc. And explain the reasons from two dimensions: students lack of careful observation of the details of life and lack of strong interest in reading accumulation; teachers lack the necessary research and effective guidance to the teaching of writing. The third part, the detailed description of the in-depth study of guidance strategies, these strategies include: 1. Teachers should keep pace with the times, renew teaching ideas, cultivate students' observation ability, reading habits, and improve the students' level of revision. The teacher should study the detail description method and the unit exercises request, clear the instruction goal, raise the detail description instruction level. Teachers should study a large number of excellent lesson examples, enrich teaching activities, construct teaching model and create open and dynamic classroom.


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