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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 23:31

  本文選題:低年級 + 識字教學 ; 參考:《寧波大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the primary school Chinese teaching, the low grade literacy teaching occupies the very important position, the literacy must lay the solid foundation for the reading and the writing. Chinese culture is extensive and profound. In the process of literacy teaching, we should not only pay attention to the quantity and speed of literacy, but also pay attention to the quality of literacy and explore the cultural connotation of Chinese characters. The penetration of traditional culture in the teaching of literacy in the lower grade can not only provide the students with the efficiency and quality of Chinese characters, but also be influenced by the traditional culture in the process of literacy and improve their own humanistic accomplishment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the penetration strategy of traditional culture in the low-grade literacy teaching. Based on the above understanding, this paper mainly from the following parts: the first part is the introduction, respectively, the research background, domestic and foreign research status and significance of the introduction, leading to the following; In the second part, the concept of traditional culture is explained, and the strategy is studied through the understanding of traditional culture. In the third part, the author investigates the current situation of literacy teaching in the lower grade, combining with questionnaire and interview, summarizes the current situation of infiltrating traditional culture and the influence of the lack of traditional culture on children, which is the focus of the thesis. The fourth part is the analysis of the reasons for the lack of traditional culture in the low grade literacy teaching, mainly from the teachers, students, external environment to find the reasons for the absence; the fifth part introduces the penetration strategy of traditional culture in the low grade literacy teaching. First of all, it is the principle of penetration. On this basis, the specific strategies of penetration are analyzed, including interest strategy, teaching method strategy and curriculum resource strategy. Each strategy is introduced from three aspects: word, form and meaning. It is hoped that these strategies will help first-line teachers to infiltrate traditional culture and improve students' humanistic literacy in the teaching of low grade literacy.


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