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  本文選題:小學語文 + 教學模式。 參考:《廣西師范大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, a lot of teachers put the method of improving the quality of teaching to spell time and spell sea battle. Entering our classroom, we will find that most of the teaching methods are mainly teaching methods. In this class, the teacher is the master, the student is afraid of the half step. The result is that the teacher is in the top of the classroom. Under the question of sea tactics, use the question sea tactics, rely on a large number of exercises to carry out study results, such behavior may have a certain effect in a short time, but it is not sustainable. Because the classroom is the main position to improve the quality of teaching, it is no different from the paper to talk about the quality of teaching without the fundamental solution of the efficiency of the classroom teaching. In order to break the situation of the teacher in the classroom, to break the situation in the classroom teaching, break the state of the collective aphasia in the classroom teaching, the teaching mode of "Guide - Probe - Extension - Test" in the primary school language is applied. Because of the different learning basis and knowledge experience of each student, the preview activities before class are beneficial to the students to find their own unique cognitive obstacles and difficult points, so as to spark the spark of thinking, stimulate the desire to seek knowledge, and make the students actively explore the passive learning in the teaching of the new class. The problem is the main link of "Guide - Probe - Extension - Measurement". The Chinese curriculum standards clearly point out: "guiding students to adjust their learning methods, improve their ability to study independently and cooperative learning, and make them have the ability to learn for life." the purpose of independent inquiry is to change the passive state of the current students, that is, to change teachers to teach students to be taught. In the course of Chinese classroom teaching, it is necessary to grasp a point in the Chinese classroom teaching, to move forward and back, to reach the middle and lower parts, to realize the connection of knowledge. At the same time, the lifting of one anti three will promote the stereoscopic, fast rhythm, and large capacity of the classroom. The results achieved in the course of teaching, if they can be evaluated in a timely manner, can facilitate the next step of teaching and learning. From a teacher's point of view, the examination can timely understand the students' mastery of the new knowledge. After the end of a class, it will make a test of the students' learning situation if they are not set up. The teachers and students do not understand the goal of teaching and learning, and can not adjust and remedy the learning in time and effectively. The application of "Guide - Probe - Extension - Test" has inject new vitality into the primary language classroom teaching in primary schools. This teaching method has trained students' consciousness of cooperation and team spirit, so that students will be changed from "want me to learn" to "I want" "Learning", combining individual self-study, cooperative inquiry and teacher guidance, mobilizes the students' learning enthusiasm, excavates the students' learning potential, and makes the students improve together in each other. The "Guide - Probe - Extension - Test" teaching mode broadens the students' learning space and provides them with a relaxed and free language study. The environment improves the students' ability to create thinking. Students have more space in the group to express their views on the problems and get a successful emotional experience in the process of participating in the learning activities. In cooperation and communication, the members of the group are reluctant to cooperate in a tense and orderly manner, both to fully express their ideas, to listen, to analyze, to absorb others. Every member of the group has its own strengths, some are good at expressing, some are good at summing up, some are good at organizing. In such an atmosphere of equality, democracy and harmony, people make up for each other, and lay the foundation for the future more encrypt cooperation and competition. The subject position has aroused the students' enthusiasm for learning, training the students' interest in learning, and exercising the learning ability in the process of learning, and making the students learn to learn. In this way, the classroom teaching is organized. Each student has an equal opportunity to speak, and the group's speeches in the group are unrestrained and are conducive to the discussion and solution of the problems. At the same time, it also increases the opportunity for students to apply the knowledge they have learned. During the group discussion, the team members learn from each other's strengths, carry out mutual assistance, check and evaluate each other, and make students improve their understanding of knowledge at the same time, and improve their understanding of others at the same time. This is the real embodiment of all the students, making their thinking alive and not messy, promoting their lively and active learning. The "Guide - Probe - Extension - Test" teaching model strengthens the students' self-study consciousness. In the primary Chinese class, the students become the master of the study, the passive transformation to the initiative, "I learn" to "I want to learn". To strengthen the consciousness of the subject, for the students who have mastered the new knowledge or new skills very well, they can take themselves as teachers and tutor those other students who are not able to grasp the new knowledge or new skills. In order to speak new knowledge and play the small teacher, the students must be carefully analyzed and combed. In this kind of classroom, every student must use the existing knowledge to find a way to solve the new problem. At this time, the students' thinking is often more active and often has the inspiration. "Guide - Probe - Extension - Test" teaching model In the form of cooperative learning, the form of cooperative learning has formed the all-round and multi-level communication between students and students. It makes students feel that learning is no longer a monotonous and dull thing, but a relaxed and enjoyable communication, which is beneficial to the realization of a balanced development of intellectual and non intellectual factors. Students learn to learn this long-term teaching goal.


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