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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-16 18:32

  本文選題:游戲呈現(xiàn)方式 + 描述呈現(xiàn)方式; 參考:《揚(yáng)州大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary teaching has received great attention in language classes, and many studies have focused on how to teach vocabulary more efficiently. The study of lexical presentation has become a hot issue, but there is still no agreement on which is better. To solve this problem, this study compares the effects of game presentation and descriptive presentation on the immediate and delayed memory of primary school students. The main research questions are as follows: (1) does the game presentation and descriptive presentation have different effects on the English vocabulary memory of primary school students? (2) what is the attitude of primary school students to these two ways of presentation? In this study, quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative study used vocabulary test as a research tool. The subjects of the study were 45 pupils from two classes of grade four in an ordinary rural primary school. One class uses descriptive presentation to teach vocabulary and the other uses game presentation to teach vocabulary. After the lexical presentation experiment, the two classes were tested once in real time and once a week later. The qualitative study uses semi-structured interviews as a research tool and draws one high, middle and low level students from each class by stratified random sampling, six of whom are interviewed. The researchers prepared interview questions for one-on-one discussions in the form of free discussions. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experimental data, the following findings are made: first, in general, the ways of game presentation and descriptive presentation have different effects on the vocabulary memory of primary school students. In terms of the short-term memory of vocabulary, the students in descriptive presentation were slightly better than those in game presentation, although there was no significant difference between the two presentation methods. For long-term memory, however, the opposite is true. The students in the game presentation mode performed much better than those in the descriptive presentation mode, and there was a significant difference between the two presentation methods. Secondly, pupils have different attitudes towards game presentation and descriptive presentation. From the results of the interview, it can be concluded that the game presentation is more popular than the descriptive presentation, regardless of the students' English level. To some extent, descriptive presentation is difficult to attract students' attention and stimulate students' enthusiasm for vocabulary learning. Although students memorize some words in class, they quickly forget most of them in less than a week. Therefore, they do not like this way of presentation. Students, by contrast, like the way games are presented, which can be attributed to the fun of the game itself. And this way of presentation can deepen students' understanding of English vocabulary. The present study has the following implications for vocabulary teaching: first, primary school English teachers should design and choose appropriate games according to the characteristics of pupils' physical and mental development, teaching objectives and teaching contents. Secondly, in the process of game vocabulary presentation, primary English teachers should strengthen their control of the classroom and promote the students' vocabulary acquisition. Third, because descriptive presentation and game presentation are complementary, primary English teachers have to balance them.


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