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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-16 14:59

  本文選題:口語交際 + 課程知識(shí) ; 參考:《廣州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The knowledge content of oral communication course is an important part of oral communication course content. However, the knowledge content of Chinese oral communication course in primary school is not clear, which brings some problems, such as unclear types of oral communication knowledge, weak oral communication knowledge, lack of knowledge guidance in oral communication activities, and so on. Therefore, the research focus of this paper is to construct the systematic knowledge content of oral communication curriculum in primary school Chinese. This study combs the syllabus and curriculum standards, the teaching materials of primary school Chinese and the knowledge content of oral communication in primary school, points out their shortcomings, and further reveals the common problems among the three. In order to solve the problem of knowledge content in primary school oral communication curriculum, the author draws lessons from the classification of knowledge in modern psychology, the elements of oral communication competence and the teaching practice of primary school oral communication in Britain and America, and finds the basis and experience from the angle of theory and practice. Finally, starting from the problems existing in the knowledge content of the primary school oral communication curriculum and the basis of constructing the knowledge content, this paper constructs the knowledge content of the primary school Chinese course from the three dimensions of declarative knowledge and strategic knowledge of procedural knowledge. In the process of construction, using concrete examples for reference, let teachers make clear "what to teach" in oral communication teaching. In addition, in order to further clarify the teaching focus of each grade, the low, middle and high level of oral communication curriculum knowledge content. It is hoped that through the study of this paper, teachers will be able to clarify the teaching content and better carry out oral communication activities in primary schools. Students will improve their oral communication ability by mastering actual oral communication knowledge, and solve the problem after a spate of excitement in the classroom. The students have nothing to gain.


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