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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 01:40

  本文選題:小學(xué) + 陽光體育; 參考:《成都體育學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The experimental primary school attached to Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as Primary School affiliated to the University of Science and Technology) has made outstanding achievements in sunshine sports (hereinafter referred to as sunshine sports). The students' physique test data have been higher than the national average for many years. In 2013, they were selected as Sichuan Sunshine Sports demonstration School and in 2015 as the National Sports work Model School. Behind these achievements, inseparable from the efforts and efforts of teachers attached to the University of Science and Technology. At that time, when the outline of the national "healthy China 2030" program was put forward and the 10th anniversary of carrying out sunshine sports, it was necessary to investigate the organization, management and form of activities of developing sunshine sports in the secondary schools attached to the University of Science and Technology. Analyze its developing experience and popularize its experience. At the same time, through investigation and research, we find out the difficulties in developing sunshine sports in the secondary schools attached to HKUST, and put forward some feasible suggestions to solve the difficulties according to the actual situation of the secondary schools attached to HKUST. Therefore, this study has certain practical significance. Through the methods of literature, interview, questionnaire, field investigation and logic analysis, this paper takes the students, parents and physical education teachers of the affiliated primary school of HKUST as the objects of investigation, and at the same time, applies the methods of field investigation and interviews with the relevant leaders of the affiliated primary school of HKUST. The conclusion is as follows: 1 leads the advanced development idea, makes Sunshine Sports carry out the establishment of 2. 2 physical Education work leading Group smoothly, makes Sunshine Sports have complete organization 3. 3 reasonable management and incentive system, Promote teachers to work actively. Through sunshine physical education, the students' physical fitness and shape are better than the national average level .5 the average time for students to take part in physical exercise every day is 108 minutes and physical education teachers' workload is larger than that of the national average. It is one of the difficulties of carrying out sunshine sports in the school. 7. Most students have no time to take part in extracurricular physical exercise. Based on the analysis of the experience and the existing difficulties, the following suggestions are put forward: 1. To solve the problem of space tension in large recess by taking part in different projects in a decentralized manner .2. To use spare time for physical exercise. To consolidate and enhance the effect of sports. 3. According to the concrete situation, it is suggested to transform the adult sports field equipment to suit the primary school students' use of 4. 4. It is suggested that other item teachers with sports specialty should be used, and the workload of PE teachers should be reduced.


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