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發(fā)布時間:2020-11-22 17:52
   隨著經濟的迅速增長,中國正飛躍成為世界最大的服裝消費國。本論文的目的在于中對韓兩國大學生的服裝購買行為和人口統(tǒng)計差異進行比較,進而明確闡述中國消費者的特有特征。 本論文從理論研究上對服裝購買導向的概念進行考慮,并制定了消費者分類的標準。為了進行實證性研究,本論文設計了問卷,并對首爾與上海的300名大學生進行了問卷調查。 在問卷調查的基礎上,本文首先調查了韓中兩國消費者的服裝購買導向,并對消費者進行了分類;其次,對已分類的團體之間的服裝購買行為與人口統(tǒng)計學的特性進行了分析比較:再次,對韓中兩國消費者的分布狀況進行了調查,對同一消費者團體內的服裝購買行為與人口統(tǒng)計學的差異進行了闡明;最后,對中國消費者購買韓國服裝產品的現況進行了研究,并說明了中國消費者對韓國服裝產品的評價與信息獲得方式。 在實證研究的基礎上,本文提出了韓國服裝企業(yè)針對中國消費者的服裝營銷戰(zhàn)
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
Ⅰ. Introduction
    1.1 The necessity and meaning of a research
    1.2 Purpose of the research
    1.3 Methodologies
        1.3.1 Why shanghai and Seoul?
        1.3.2 Why University students?
    1.4 Framework of the study
Ⅱ. Theoretical background
    2.1 Clothing shopping orientation
    2.2 Clothing purchasing behavior
Ⅲ. Method and procedure of empirical study
    3.1 Research problem
    3.2 Research method and procedures
        3.2.1 Research method
        3.2.2 Data collection and Analysis method
Ⅳ. Result and discussion of analysis
    4.1 Classification of consumer according to clothing shopping orientation
        4.1.1 Shopping orientation
        4.1.2 Classification of consumer groups according to clothing shopping orientation
    4.2 Difference between different types of clothing shopping orientation
        4.2.1 Difference in clothing purchase behavior between groups
        4.2.2 Difference of demography properties between grorps
    4.3 Comparing purchase behavior and consumer type between Korean and Chineseconsumers
        4.3.1 Comparison of consumer type distribution between Korean and Chinese consumers
        4.3.2 Difference in clothing purchase behavior according to country within identical consumer type
        4.3.3 Demographic difference according to clothing shopping orientations between Korea and China
    4.4 Chinese consumer's actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product
        4.4.1 Actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product
        4.4.2 Evaluation and source of information for Korean clothing product
V. Conclusion and proposal
    5.1 Conclusion
    5.2 Marketing implication and proposal
        5.2.1 Marketing implication
        5.2.2 Limitations of research and proposal


相關期刊論文 前10條

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相關碩士學位論文 前1條

1 康慧媛;對中韓大學生服裝購買導向和行為的比較研究[D];復旦大學;2011年




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