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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-23 23:28

  本文選題:核心素養(yǎng) + 基礎(chǔ)教育; 參考:《陜西師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)版)》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Promoting education reform and development with core literacy is the upsurge of education development in the world today. The core accomplishment of Chinese students' development is to cultivate "all-round development person" as the core, which fully reflects the key ability and necessary items needed by the country's economic and social development for the training of talents. It is an all-round deepening of curriculum reform. To carry out the fundamental task of creating a person in order to carry out the important grasp. Reconstructing the curriculum system of school education has become an important mission of school reform around the core literacy reform classroom. However, we should also see that in the educational research and practice, the "core literacy must be called core literacy" follows the trend, chasing fashion and so on. Students' development of core literacy is cut as different subject knowledge and evaluated as an evaluation tool for student development. As the elements of talent cultivation, dismemberment and other phenomena are common. These trends of thought are also influencing or misleading the implementation of "Core Literacy of Chinese students' Development", which ultimately leads to the danger of generalization of "Core Literacy".
【作者單位】: 西北師范大學(xué)教育學(xué)院;


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